Made It At Last, Kaitlyn's Goodbye

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We dissolve to the next scene, where Terry, Dana, Dottie, Selina, Bruce, Max, Ace and all the 11 Woman-Cats where save, as they stand out at the Dock's Pier, where no one is working. Just only the Vehicles of Terry's Batmoblie and Bruce's BatWing, as soon as get a close up to pier, Bruce Wayne uses a machine that have two Containers, on a wheal chair, one on the left is to let out the T99 Mutagen and one on the right is a purple Retro-Mutagen antidote that cure a woman's body, He use a special butterfly needle with two pin needle in it. And tested on Kaitlyn who is a mutant restless cat, that lying on the floor, cover her body by a sheet. As Kaitlyn was resting for all this excitement. While Bruce put the medicine on her left arm.

Bruce: (To Everyone on the pier.) I'm spreading the antidote, right out of her blood stream right now. She will be able to return to her formal self in about 60 second.

Then we come up to the Woman-Cats Dana and Dottie, as they thank each other, for being a team together. As they are far away from the test.

Woman-Cat Dana: (To Dottie) Well, I'm glad that is finally over. We did made a great team together. For me and my Batman, and the old Selina Kyle.

Woman-Cat Dottie: (To Dana) Yeah, that's true. But, we'll be even again, when I change back into a Jokerz girl.

Woman-Cat Dana: (As she hissed) Yeah, that will be the day.

Woman-Cat Dottie: (To Dana) And when your human, your Batman is gonna pay for that. When I will smack you, on your...

Then Terry Stop this cat fight.

Terry: Uhmm, hmm (To Dottie) If the real Jokerz Dottie, was here. She wouldn't do nothing to harm my girlfriend, Especially when you hurt Nelson that other night. (As he walk towards Dana for more details of her reverse transformation.) Don't worry Dana, we have Kaitlyn be herself again. For that Dottie will go first, for transforming back to her old self, then when the other 11 Woman-Cats are change back, you will be last.

Woman- Cat Dana: Thanks. And will you...

Then the light-blue cat named Jeannette call outs.

Jeannette: Hey, Guys! I think she's waking up.

Then Bruce Wayne pull out of the needle shot, and her put a bandage on her left arm, as her reverse transformation begins. Then a soft and peaceful music appears.

Bruce: (To Everyone) All right, get ready.

As the transformation begins, it dissolve her body shrinking down, with her black fur being gone, and her cat face disappear, and her body turn back into her human forum, she wakes up and saw everybody, as she breath to notice what just happen.

She saw Terry, Dana, Dottie, Selina, Bruce, Max, Ace and all the 11 Woman-Cats as their watch at her to see if she ok.

Kaitlyn: Ahhh, What... what happen? Where am I?

Woman-Cat Dana: Let's just say, the cat's out of the bag.

Kaitlyn: Dana. (Then she looks at Terry McGinnis in his Batman suit.) And... Terry? (To Terry as she tries to get up.) What's going on, here?

Terry: (To Kaitlyn) Let's just said, you save us all from a Catastrophe moment.

Kaitlyn: (She got up, but she was half-naked, as she was so confuse at this.) Really. And what happen to Dr. Dorian?

Terry: I think you kill your father.

Then the 11 Woman-Cats get to cover around Kaitlyn, and she ready to put on a special old Catwoman jump suit. That Selina is holding the suit as she about to giving it to her.

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