Chapter 7 {The Rise...}

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Note: The picture above is just idk! xD Anyways! Enjoy this chapter! xD

Amber's POV~

I looked around to find the source of the humming. It didn't sound like it was that far but was that Alice? I have to find out anyways! I went to the room to see shelves full of plushies and toys! I then noticed one of the shelves blocking the doorway.

"Why is there always something blocking the door? Gotta be a way through." I asked and said to myself as i noticed a small desk which was nearly blocked off by the shelves and went there to find an audio log so i pressed play:

The Voice of Shawn Flynn

I don't be seein' what the big deal is.

So what if i went and painted some of those Bendy dolls with a crooked smile?

That's sure no reason for Mr. Drew to be flyin' off the hands on me.

And if he really wants to be so helpful, he could be tellin' me what I am to be doin' with this warehouse full of that Angel Watchamacolit

Not a scrap of that mess be a-sellin'!

Probably have to melt it all down to be rid of it all.

The tape ends just like that. You only saw Mr. Shawn once or twice and he always had this funny Irish accent. I went back to the staircase to see there is a flip switch so I pulled it down and then I went to see if it will work then i noticed the belt wheels clogged with toys so I got rid of them and then moved the switch two times and the shelf blocked the door way no more! Yes!

I opened the door to see Alice Angel cutouts and toys and In front of me was a glass window which looked like a huge TV screen and on top of it was written 'She's Quite A Gal!'. Then suddenly the room became dark and I started to hear the small TV screens singing Alice Angel songs.

I swear this was getting really creepy then I saw a light coming from behind the glass and being the curious being I am went towards it. When I heard the song coming to an end, I saw something pop up and I saw Alice Angel with her left part of her face melted.

"I AM ALICE ANGEL!!!" She screamed and I fell to the ground shocked and then she banged on the glass and everything went black. I hear her chuckling a bit evilly. I so didn't like this.

"I see you there. A new fly in my endless webs. Come along now. Let's see if you're worthy to walk with Angels." She said and the lights came back on. I was still on the ground in shock. I looked to my side to see a new pathway open and went towards that direction.

After two turns I came towards sign which directed towards two paths: The Demon Path and The Angel Path. I tried to make a decision. I started to wonder what happened to your good friend Alice. Is she evil now?! I didn't want to think too much and made up a decision. I walked towards the Demon Path. After taking a few steps I heard something closing. I went back to see the Angel Path closed. Whelp! No going back.

The minute I came towards the room I saw it was flooded with Ink plus from the ceiling Ink was oozing out and it looked freakishly alive. I walked in it until I saw another audio log and went towards and pressed play:

The Voice of Joey Drew

There's nothing wrong with dreaming.

Ink And Blood~A Bendy And The Ink Machines Fanfiction {Under-heavy editing}Where stories live. Discover now