Chapter 14 {The Last Reel}

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Note: The book is coming to an end and I'm trying to find some good ideas for the next two chapters and probably this one! Enjoy!

P.S. That Pic above though! 0/////0! xP

Amber's POV~

When I felt Bendy's fingers intertwining with mine, I could tell I was a huge blushing mess and I could tell my dad was giving me a weird look or something. I wasn't sure. After whatever he said just now he started to get serious a bit.

"Okay but I know that Henry knows how to get through this place which is the door beside us and the fact it won't be easy to get through." Bendy said and then Boris went towards the door and just busted it open. "Okay I guess that works as well." Bendy said which made me slightly giggle but I hid it.

Though Bendy led the way while I was following behind him like everyone else. The place looked exactly like the first floor where I came through and fell from. This was weirder cause Henry's desk but the door behind him led another way and it wasn't the place I saw earlier. As we walked down the new hallway I saw was a glass window on my side.

As we turned another corner on the walls in front of me was written DEATH with an arrow pointing right. When we came to that area I saw a huge looking building like ink machine. I saw the actual ink machine being placed on top. Let's just say I was awestruck by the hugeness along with Audrey.

"I don't see a way to get across. I guess we have to wade across the ink." I said but Alice and Boris shook their heads. "It's not going to be easy for us. We aren't like you and Henry." Allison said but I slightly tilted my head in confusion. "If we go in there... Well a drop of water in the ocean is rarely seen again." She finished and I guess I understood what she meant.

Bendy's POV~

I technically understood what Allison meant cause it happened to a lot of ink creatures down here. They would be consumed by the ink and probably just get lost in then never to come back. This ink has become a danger to all toons.

"I can get through this place by ink travel but with people I can't." I said looking over at everyone. "It means me and Henry and Amber will have to go there while Sammy, Allison, Audrey and Tom keep watch if anything comes." I said and they all nodded. Before I could head over I saw Amber handing me the Seeing Tool.

"Hold this for a few." She said and I nodded. I saw her bringing her backpack as she opened it. While she was searching for whatever she was searching for I looked through Seeing Tool and on the wall behind Amber was written, "You are all falling into my trap. I won't be stopped!". This freaked me out and what I saw next surprised me the most.

I saw a glowing halo just like Allison's but more brighter and I saw huge angelic wings on her back. This was beyond weird. Why was this their anyways. Not gonna lie but she looked like an angel without the halo and wings. Amber noticed my expression. "What's wrong?" She asked and snapped to reality and shook my head. "Nothing!" I said blushing a bit and I swore that Henry saw me blush. He was giving me that look which I didn't like.

After what seemed like a minute Amber finally found what she was looking for and it was a knife. "I don't have any other weapon at the moment so I had this just in case." She explained. I gave her back the Seeing Tool as she and Henry started to walk across the shallow inky river while I ink traveled to get to the place. I just hope nothing bad happens while we are there.

???'s POV~

I smiled as I saw from the shadows as to what was happening. My plan was working just fine. I knew Henry's plan after finding out why he came back to the studios which gave me a chance to send Amber that letter. I knew what will soften the Ink Demon. How could I not know? It was a brilliant plan to make him into something even more and kill everyone here including Henry and Amber.

Ink And Blood~A Bendy And The Ink Machines Fanfiction {Under-heavy editing}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें