Chapter 10 {Colossal Wonders}

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Note: *Author has died cause this picture above was too much for her to handle*

Amber's POV~

After what seemed like eternity, I slowly tried getting up and Bendy noticed what I was doing so he let me as he got up himself.

"I really need to keep going. Even if Boris isn't the real Boris and is Buddy, I have to save them from that Angel." I said as he nodded and smiled. "You know what I like most about you?" He asked and I slightly tilted my head.

"What?" I asked. "I like how you care about others a lot more than yourself." He said and I smiled. "Thanks Bendy." I said as he nodded and I picking up my bag as I slung it behind me and I started to walk towards the hallway but stopped only to see Bendy not following me but just standing in that same spot looking at the ground and looked like he was thinking of something.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked and he gave me a small smile. "You go on ahead. I have something to take care of but don't worry, I will know how to find you." he said as he disappeared through the ink leaving me to walk on my own.

As I walked down the hallway I saw wall which showed which area was in which direction:

Management Office Of Grant Cohen was to my Right

Archives J-L and R&D Access was to my left

I went towards mister Cohen's office first. When I came down to another hallway I saw a Bendy cutout. Don't know why but these cutouts looked like they were alive and watching me so I ignored saw an open door which looked like the office and what really shook me was the thing written in ink like, "Time is Money", "Taxes', "Wages" and "Money".

I saw an audio log on the table beside bubbling ink and the minute I pressed play I started to wish I hadn't done that at all:

Voice of Unknown


Man that sounded like someone was being tortured as I could hear glass breaking. I was glad this stopped but was that Mister Cohen? It sounded male to me. As I looked around I noticed a turn wheel and picked it up and headed out of the office.

As I did I went towards the Archives and put the turn wheel on the door and turned it which opened to another place and I saw inky figures on a stage circling a Bendy statue and the lights came on. Above the statue was written, "He Will Set Us Free". I saw that these creatures were frozen and I hoped they stayed that way for the time being I am here.

I entered what looked like a huge library but it was The Archives alright. I entered the area and in the middle of another shelf was a table so I found a way in and saw another bendy cutout and an audio log sitting on the table and I pressed play:

The Voice of Susie Campbell

They told me I was perfect for the role.

Absolutely perfect.

Now Joey's going around saying things behind closed doors.

I can always tell.

Now he wants to meet again tomorrow, says he has an "opportunity" for me.

I will hear him out.

But if that smooth talker thinks he can double-cross an angel and get away with it, well, oh he's got another thing coming.

Alice, ooh she doesn't like liars.

Ink And Blood~A Bendy And The Ink Machines Fanfiction {Under-heavy editing}Where stories live. Discover now