Chapter 12 {Familiar Faces}

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Amber's POV~

I was let say shocked to see a perfect Alice and another Boris but with a mechanical arm! I couldn't find the words to say but I was glad they didn't notice an injured Bendy somewhere in the room.

"You are lucky we were in the neighborhood, cause if we weren't things would have been bad." The perfect Alice said as she continued speaking. "Come on! We have to take you to our safehouse." She said going to the direction were I came from.

"Can you guys wait for two minutes? I have to do something fast!" I said hoping they would leave me alone for two minutes. The Alice and Boris looked at each other then nodded. "Alright. We will be waiting." She said as she was out of sight as I quickly went over to Bendy and he wasn't looking too good.

"Bendy! Are you okay?!" I whisper shouted and he slightly nodded his head. "I will be fine. You go with them. They can help you. I will see you later." He said disappearing in ink. I stood up and went towards the Perfect Alice and Boris.

Allison Angel's POV~

Me and Tom Boris waited for the girl to come. I swear she looked familiar. Was she our old friend Amber? I looked over at Tom Boris who looked like he was thinking something. I spoke up to break the tension.

"Hey Tom- I mean Boris, are you okay?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah it's just that, the girl looked familiar like she is our old friend, Amber." He said and I nodded agreeing with him.

"If she is, then maybe there is hope for everyone including Allison and Tom who are stuck within us." I said and he nodded with a smile.

"Yeah but we can't be sure it's her. We need to ask her first and if she is then that's good but I am not sure if Henry will be happy to see her hear considering this place is dangerous and also I am surprised Bendy hasn't gotten to her yet." he said shivering a bit at the thought. Bendy has changed over the years and I hope he comes back as the great friend we once knew.

"I am here!" I heard the girl saying as she came towards us so I looked at her and nodded. "Okay. Follow us." I said as I lead the way to the safehouse. It was a long walk but it was not known to the Ink Demon.

"So what's your name?" I asked the girl as she looked at us. She looked a bit hesitant for some reason but started to speak. "My name is Amber. Amber Heaven Stein." She said and both mine and Boris's eyes widened. "Amber... is that you?" Boris spoke with a bit of surprise. Amber looked shocked for a bit at the two of us.

"It's really you two? The real Alice and Boris?" Amber asked and we both nodded as she hugged us both. "I am so glad to see you guys! But, what happened to you all?" She asked after breaking the hug. "We will explain once we get back to the safehouse. It's not too far." I said continuing to walk as we reached the safehouse.

Amber's POV~

I was glad to see my two other best friends. I started to think as to why they look different. The minute Alice opened the door I saw a familiar face that made me surprised. I saw my dad, Henry.

"Dad?" I said which made him look up in shock as he quickly got up from the chair and hugged me. "I am glad you are okay! What are you doing here? I told you not to come down here!" he said a bit angry but it was expected.

"Before you get fully angry let me explain." I said which he nodded as I told him what exactly happened. He was shocked to hear me explain since it was shocking not gonna lie. "So you are telling me that Joey Drew sent you a letter to come down here?!" He said with anger in his voice.

Ink And Blood~A Bendy And The Ink Machines Fanfiction {Under-heavy editing}Where stories live. Discover now