Chapter 11 {Towards The Angel}

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Bendy's POV~

After what seemed like forever, I was done with my crap. The ink sure knows how flood the areas. I basically had to drain it. Though the ink is a part of me but excessive ink ain't so much. I basically wasn't sure as to which area Amber was in so I looked through my cutouts to see her location.

"No, no, no, no, no... yes!" I said finally finding out where Amber was in Bendy Land's entrance. At least she didn't go so far. Before I could go I heard a voice nearby and it was none other than that Wretched Angel!

"Ahahaha! I can see how you are so close to that Errand Girl." Alice said making me growl in response. "Don't think I haven't seen you and that girl with that little scene near the broken lift." She said as I growled looking around.

"Don't you dare hurt Amber!" I growled and yelled as she chuckled once again. "I won't be harming her anytime soon but she will die." She finished after cackling evilly. I have to find Amber quick. I opened an ink portal and quickly went to reach her in time.

Amber's POV~

I seriously never knew this place was this big with a huge theme park?! I can tell a lot has happened after my dad left. I went down the steps as I looked around the huge place. Man this place took a lot of days to be made and planned. I walked around for a bit till I saw a way to a haunted house and it looked like the only way to go.

"The Haunted House seems like the way to go. But it's going to need some power." I said to myself as I looked around a bit to find an switch or lever. "Hang in there, Boris. I'm coming." I said as i found the Power Station which had four flip switches and a big lever switch but the wires all led to different places. I also saw a Little Miracle Station here as well.

I walked back to where I swear I noticed another audio log so I found that and saw the game tents were open but I didn't plan on playing them so ignored them and clicked on the play button on the audio log:

The Voice of Wally Franks

These guys down in the warehouse get to play games all day while I'm stuck cleaning up after 'em!

They kept locking themselves out of their own back room.

So I says to em, look guys, I says, you're smart, right?

Here's an idea!

Why not rig these games up to knock open the door if ya win?

It'll be fun for you guys, and it saves me the trip down here everyday.

They went for it like a dog to pot roast.

I tell ya!

If these guys don't start realizing who the real genius is, I'm outta here.

I had no words for this audio log. I mean Wally worked hard everyday so he did deserve a break or something. I walked around hoping to find a switch nearby. I went the staircase and I saw a door open. Weird it wasn't open before but I just walked in. As I did I saw three puppet looking Bendies which looked really creepy. I saw the flip switch and flipped it down.

"That's one." I said as I saw a light and followed it which led to the first flip switch and I pushed it down and I heard a door open. I went to the haunted house direction and I saw the door open so I walked in.

As I did I looked over the balcony and accidentally dropped an open can of soup which made the Butcher Gang run towards it. I cringed at the clumsiness of mine.

Ink And Blood~A Bendy And The Ink Machines Fanfiction {Under-heavy editing}Where stories live. Discover now