t.g.h.t.y.n.t.w.a. part 7?

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"is everything ok"Tony asks. You give Olivia a quick look. "Yes Tony. Everything is fine."ondreaz says.

You guys spent a few hours shopping at the mall. After a few hours you guys decide to go get some food.

"Y/n. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Olivia asks while you guys are eating.


You and Olivia walk away from the boys and she suddenly has a tight grip on your wrist.
"Listen. If you tell Logan or Tony about this I promise I will make your life hell. Yeah me and Logan had sex while you were with him and I am with Tony. But if you ever go near Logan again, or mention anything about this, you're dead. Got it?"
You look at her surprised, as she was talking to you like you were a child.
"No. I'm telling Tony and I'm telling Logan. Now let me go. You're hurting me." She lets go. You instantly feel her hand connect with your face which knocks you to the floor. Did she just punch me? You back up and punch her right back. Before you know it you guys are fighting.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" You hear Tony yell behind you. You are on top of Olivia still hitting her. Tony pulls you off of her and pushes you roughly. Ondreaz grabs your arm and pulls you away while Tony helps Olivia up. Tony gives you a dirty look. He flips you off and takes Olivia back to the house.
"What the heck y/n. What were you thinking!" "It wasn't m-"
"shut up! I don't want to hear it. What a great way to solve a problem." He says with sarcasm. Ondreaz runs to catch up with Tony and Olivia.

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