"Remus, I love you, but we are not going to your brother's wedding dressed as the walking dead." Logan chuckled as Remus pouted childishly from where he sat upside down on the couch. "It's a wedding."

"So, it's Roman's wedding. Ok. How about instead of zombies... we go dressed as Chucky and his bride... er, husband?" Logan shook his head making Remus flail slightly. "But I don't want to be dressed up as a fucking penguin!"

"Remus... It's a wedding."

"A weeding?" Logan groaned as Remus jumped up with a laugh. "Does that mean we can bring our own or..."

"We are not bringing weed to your brother's wedding." Remus just smiled as the two went back and forth happily just bickering until there was a knock on the front door. The two frowned with a confused look as Remus jumped up to answer it. "Remus, hold on..."

"Who is i-..." Remus stopped cold the moment the door opened and he just crashed. "Roman?" Roman stood there in the rain sopping wet and shivering from the cold. He had a large red welt on his face with puffy red eyes from crying no doubt. "Roman, what's wrong?" The door opened more as Logan joined them with a look of concern seeing how out of it and dazed Roman was. "Brother? What happened?"

"Virgil..." Roman swallowed his pain as he looked up with clear pain and just broke down as his unending tears spilled from his eyes. "He kicked me out."

"What?" Roman nodded as he hugged himself against the cold. "Remus go grab a blanket and put a kettle on."

"On it." Logan watched as Remus ran off all while Roman just stood there not even bothering to try and get out of the rain.


"It's my fault. Logan... It's all my fault." Roman laughed brokenly as his eyes glazed over completely. "I ruined everything good I've ever had. Virgil, he... It's over. He ended things... and kicked me out."

"Roman, what did you do?" Roman face fell as he just smiled although it was quite clear he was not 'there' at the moment. "Roman, talk to me. What did you do..."

"I cheated on him."

*Two day's before*

"I am not having a vanilla cake." Roman called out as he laughed, pulling mugs from the cabinet. "I just won't do it. Virgil, I'm an overly dramatic gay performer that literally can't sit still. If my cake doesn't scream 'disaster gay' than it's not good enough." Roman walked out with the coffee and smiled seeing the tiredly annoyed yet soft smile his fiance had. "Erik tell him."

"I don't know what you want me to say." Erik smiled as he gratefully took one of the cups Roman had and laughed. Erik was a friend that the two of them had made since moving in. He was actually very supportive and had been helping the two plan their wedding right alongside of them. 

"Ok... What about chocolate?" Roman just raised an eyebrow at the younger making Virgil laugh knowing exactly what was going to happen.

"DOES CHOCOLATE SCREAM DISASTER GAY! No! I need a full-on rainbow cake with glitter and sparkles and a waterfall of Skittles."


"Taste the rainbow, bitch." The whole room burst into laugher as Roman sat in his chair and smirked. "But no seriously, Stormfly... I want more than just plain flavors. Virge... This is our wedding, Love."

"Well, we still have time..." Virgil sighed as he put his phone down and ran a hand through his hair. "Although the time for tonight has... run out."

"Oh, shit." Erik laughed as he took one last sip of his coffee after checking his watch. "You weren't kidding, Virgil. It's after midnight. I've got to get going."

"No." Roman whined slightly as he tried to keep Erik in his seat. "Stay. Karaoke. Coffee. Fun... Just something... god, I've been stuck in this house going over wedding plans. It's driving me crazy."

"Rude." Virgil giggled as Roman just chuckled. "Roman, I'm exhausted, can we maybe do it another time?"


"Roman!" The two giggled as Erik grabbed his jacket and quickly put in on listening to the two bicker. "I want to sleep."

"And I want some fun."

"Well, we can have some fun."

"And I'm out." Erik called as he snagged his keys and cutting them off. "I do not need to know what 'fun' you two are going to have so... I'm out. We still on for tomorrow, Ro?"

"The bar right?" Virgil frowned as Roman nodded. "Of course! We've been planning this for a while dude. I'm not missing a drink. Besides..." Roman giggled as he shot his fiance a silly look. "We can get my bachelor party started early."

"You're going drinking?" Roman's smile fell slightly as Virgils eyes narrowed. "And you didn't tell me?"

"I'll see you tomorrow Erik." Roman frowned as his friend left leaving them both just sitting there. Virgil sighed as he stared at the table before just getting up altogether.  "Virgil..."

"It's fine, Roman."

"No... No, it's not." Roman got up and pulled Virgil into a hug as he smiled softly. "I understand we're friends with Erik. I do. But you told me how you felt anxious about how close he and I seemed. Now I told you you had nothing to worry about but I should have still taken that into consideration when I made plans with him. He may be one of my best friends but... You're my fiance and I'm sorry if I upset you."

"You don't have to tell me everything. I just.. I'm sorry." Roman shook his head as he kissed his loved forehead letting out a soft breath.

"Virgil, you're still working through everything that Marcus did to you. I'm not angry. If I had a problem with anything I would tell you. Open honestly on both sides... this was the deal we made right?" Virgil nodded as Roman pulled away with a smile. "Then I promise you, it's going to be ok. If it worries you that much. I'll just have one drink, say hello to the guys, and come right back home."

"I love you so much, Roman." 

"I love you too. Now..." Roman laughed as he brushed Virgil's hair back softly. "Let's go to bed."

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