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(TW~ Physical AND Sexual Abuse, Rape.)

"Ok, lay down, Sugarpea." Virgil smiled as he tucked his son in who just giggled happily with a smile. "Story?"

"I want to hear more about the prince." Virgil nodded as he sat down and just laughed. "Please, Daddy?"

"Ok, if you want to. What do you want to know?"

"Is he real?" Virgil faltered as Colt narrowed his eyes with a serious look in his eyes.

"Why do you ask?"

"You said the prince would help you. Is he real or... he just another story character like the dragon witch?" Virgil sighed as brushed his son's hair back. "I don't like the evil shadow prince hurting you daddy."

"I'm ok, Colt. I promise. Nothing is going to happen." Colt slowly let his eyes close as Virgil frowned seeing the fear in his son. "Nothing's going to take me away from you."

"I just want to prince to help you like he used to." Virgil crashed as Colt whined softly. "You said he use to, right? Why can't he now? Why do you have to fight the shadow prince alone?"

"I'm not alone, Sugarpea. I promise. Now get some sleep please." Virgil's eyes darkened as he turned the light out. "Your fathers going to be home soon. I love you, Sugarpea."

"Love you too, daddy." Virgil let the door close after him just seconds before the front door slammed shut. Oh, great. It's one of those days. Virgil clenched his fist at the sound of his name being yelled out through the house.

"VIRGIL!" When Virgil found him, Marcos was clutching a glass beer bottle leaning against the wall with this look in his eyes. Oh... shit. Virgil's eyes darted back to where he had just come from feeling that pit in his stomach. He only prayed Colt wouldn't leave his room.

"Welcome home, Love." Virgil tried to play the sweet doting husband. He tried to be calm and soft. His head betrayed him as they started to shake. "How was your day?"

"The kid asleep?"

"He's in his room like you as-..." Virgil was up against the wall, Marcos's hand to his throat as the man smirk vilely. "...ked." He squeeked as he moved his head subconsciously trying to avoid Marcos's lips only for his blood to go cold at the growl the other gave him.

"What?" Marcos hissed as he pulled away and force him to look at him. "You suddenly don't want to kiss me now?" Virgil didn't answer. He couldn't get his words to the thought. All he knew as the sudden sharp pain in his cheek as he cried out. Marcus grabbed him by the jeans and slammed him hard against the wall with this look in his eyes. "We're going to do far more the kissing so you'd better get over it real fast." Virgil whimpered as Marcos fumbled at his pant button. "You better treat you're husband ri-..."

"Dad?" Virgil broke down completely as his head shot over to see Colt just standing there hugging his pillow. Colt took in the scene with tears in his eyes as Marcos just laughed. 

"Thought you said he was in bed?"

"Colt go back to your room." Virgil yelled out as he tried to push himself free from the other who only held him tighter. "COLT GO!"

"D-Daddy?" Virgil growled as he finally shoved Marcos off of him only to end up on the floor, broken glass all around him. "DADDY!"

"Now, you listen to me, Virgil. You don't push me away." Marcos voice felt live venom in his blood. He turned to Colt with this dark look in his eyes making the kid stumble back. "Listen to your dad, Kid. You back to bed."

"No. Dad? D-Daddy..." 

"I SAID..." Virgil kicked his leg out making Marcos fall as he quickly got up and grabbed Colt. He ran back to boys room dragging him into the room. 


"Colt I need you to go into the closet and put on the headphones I have in there." Colt's eyes shot wide as Virgil fumbled with the door. "Listen to daddy and do as your told. Please, Sugarpea."

"C-Clos-set... h-headphones." Virgil nodded with a small smile as he gently pushed Colt in who freaked out as Virgil didn't follow. "DAD?!"

"Put the headphones on and listen to music .Whatever you do... Do NOT come out. Lock the door ok?" Virgil shut the door quickly hearing Marcos rounding up the steps. The second he heard the door click locked he was slammed against it, a very pissed off Marcos glaring at him angerily.

"Your not going to get away with that." He growled like a demon about to drag Virgil off to hell. His eyes shined with a malice as his lips twitched up into a sick vile smirk. "But I know just how you can make it up to me." He yanked Virgil towards the bedroom making the smaller stumble. He was thrown onto the bed but at this point Virgil had just shut down. He didn't care anymore. As long as his son was safe and unable to hear anything that was all that mattered. He felt the cuffs wrap around his wrists and tears pricked at his eyes. Marcos just stood over him as if examining his pray. "Why don't we try something... we haven't done in a long while, huh?" 

The next morning he stood there making him his breakfast again as his hands trembled endlessly. Marcos pressed a kiss to his neck as Virgil stood there numb and dead to the world. Images of ways he could kill that bastard plastered his mind. The only thing holding him back was Colt. If he tried he would die and made that boy a promise. He couldn't do anything to risk it. 

"You missed a spot... again." Marcos laughed as Virgil glared daggers into his husbands back. Of course he missed a spot. He hadn't putt any make up on that morning. His face and neck was covered in bruises and marks from there fun last night. Marcos felt the need to take his aggression out while Virgil was garinteed to be unable to fight back. Marcos took his coffee and sipped it gingerly before just staring at Virgil a smile. "The trip starts today. So I won't be home for a while. I trust you won't do anything stupid. I'll be checking in after all."

"Of course, Love." Virgil chocked out as he tried to ignore Marcos's arms being wrapped around him.

"I love you, Virgil. Never forget that. I'll call you when I get to the hotel ok?" Virgil nodded as he watched the other walk off to grab his bags. He waited frozen completely unable to move at all till the door slammed shut. He walked himself to the window watching as Marcos drove off and everything snapped. He ran to his room, grabbed the bag he had made a long while again, and ran to Colt's room. He managed to unlock the door and found his son a sleep in the corner of the room. His heart just shattered more. 

"Come on, hun." Virgil lullled as he gently took the headphones off and woke the boy up. "We need to go."

"D-Dadd-dy?" Virgil smiled as he picked the boy up not even carrying about his injuries. He put Colt into his car and buckled him up with a tense smile. "Dad? Where... Where are we going?"

"We're going to see a friend of mine." Colt's eyes shot wide in shot before crashing completely at the sight of how hurt his dad was. 

"Please say it's the prince." Virgil's eyes narrowed as he shut the door and got in himself, turning the car on without a second thought. "Dad? Please say we're going to the prince?"

"Colt..." Virgil sat there gripping the steering wheel shoot the most serious look the boy had ever seen from his dad back at him. "... We are going to see the prince."

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