(Trigger Warning~ Abuse, Non-Consent)

"It's been a week now, Virgil." Virgil frowned as he glanced around at everything still cluttering the house. "Yet you haven't thrown it all out yet."

"I can't throw it out. It's not mine." An annoyed groan sounded behind him as he carefully started putting things into boxes. "Look, I'm going as fast as I can. He had alot here."

"You aren't going fast enough. He broke your heart, Virgil... he cheated on you. You should burn his shit and come stay with me." Virgil shuttered as he forced himself to keep packing. "Unless you want to stay here. I wouldn't mind it. It's a nice place. I'd have to change a few things." Virgil jumped at the sound of something crashing and he looked back to see one of their custom wine glasses shattered on the floor. "What? It's not like he'd need it. You aren't getting married to that man, Virgil."

"No... I'm not." Virgil whimpered as his chin was roughly grabbed forcing him to look into those muddy brown eyes and he shook. 

"You're coming back with me, right... My pet?" Virgil shuddered as he felt himself get tugged closer. "Say it. Say you're coming back with me."

"I'm coming back with you." Virgil cried as this sharp pain ripped through his cheek. His eyes stung as he held it trying to hold back the tears lest he cause more pain. 


"Yes, sir." Virgil flinched as his voice croaked. "I'm coming back to be with you, Sir."

"That's a good pet." Virgil twitched in pain as he tried to hold back the attack he knew would be coming. "Now, finish ridding this place of that man's shit so I can move in, Pet. the sooner you forget all about that sex addict from hell the better."

"Yes, Marcos."

"Roman?" Roman frowned as he glanced over to see Emile standing in the doorway. They hadn't let him leave the hospital for a while. They said he was too emotionally unstable. Roman really didn't care much. It didn't stop the nightmares. It didn't stop the flashbacks. It didn't stop the fear. Janus and Patton had stopped by every once in a while. It was only a matter of time before they called his doctor. "How are you doing, bud?"

"I'm fine. I just want to go home." Emile sighed as he gently nudged a chair closer noticing right away how Roman watched every move. "Why are you here?"

"You're brother called me." Roman rolled his eyes as Emile just smiled over at him. "He said something happened. That you may have experienced something traumatic."

"I cheated on my fiance." Emiles eyes darkened as Roman's voice cracked. "How is that in any way traumatic to me? You should be talking with Virgil. He's the one that I hurt."

"Roman, I'm here for you." Roman sighed as he curled up in the hospital bed. "Remus said you didn't remember what happened?"

"I didn't... When it first happened." Emile's eyes narrowed as Roman just shrugged. "Now it's all I can think about."

"Why don't you tell me what happened then?" Roman jumped shaking his head frantically as Emile just watched with a saddened look. "Roman..."

"I cheated. I cheated on Virgil. It doesn't matter how it happened. I cheated. So what if I said no." Emile's eyes went wide as Roman down. "I cheated on the man I love. I'm a horrible person. Horrible..."

"Roman." Roman flinched making Emile frown over how frightened his friend was. "Please tell me what happened?"

"I cheated." Emile's eyes were set as Roman glanced over and just crashed over the serious expression his doctor held. "I cheated on Virgil. That's what happened."

"Hey there Roman!" Roman laughed as he slammed his car door shut seeing Erik walking over to him. "I thought maybe you weren't coming."

"Virgil's actually working late tonight so I thought I got bored. I did promise him only one drink though. I hope you'll understand." Erik smiled as he wrapped his arm around Roman's shoulder leading him in.

"Of course! Ro, no one's going to judge you at all." Roman rolled his eyes as Erik shoved practically pushed him into the bar stool. He ordered a beer and just sat there listening to everyone's stories. Aaron had just gotten a promotion so obviously everyone was in a celebrating mood. "Yo, Ro! Wanna go a round?" Roman laughed as he shook his head still nursing his beer. "Aw, come on! I know you said only one but I'm already the D.D here. There shouldn't have to be two."

"I promised, Virgil." Erik laughed as he waved him off. The group all did there round before Roman found a small shot glass in his face. His eyes narrowed as Erik just smiled. "Erik..."

"It's just one. Then I won't ask again." Roman sighed as he rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Whatever. One shot won't hurt I guess." Everyone cheered as Roman gulped it down with a groan. "What even is that?"

"Don't tell me you can't hold your liquor?" Erik joked as Roman shook his head.

"I can hold my liquor. That just tasted gross." Roman giggled as he placed the shot glass on the table and smiled. "Hand me another."

"Attaboy. That's the drama king I know! ANOTHER ROUND!"

"Yes, but this is my last one. I'm telling you, Erik. I still have to drive home." Roman beamed as they all took another shot before Roman once again just fell back into the conversation. He didn't even take another sip of his beer he just... dazed off. "I should... I should go home..." Roman stumbled off the chair making Erik have to catch him much to everyone's concern.

"I knew you couldn't hold your liquor."

"No. I... I can. I... I need to go home. Virgil..." Erik smirked as he wrapped Roman's arms around him and held him up. "I have to..."

"Don't worry guys. I'll make sure he gets there safe. Just make sure you all aren't stupid like Roman here." They all laughed as Erik carefully lead Roman out. "Come on, big guy. Let's get you home."

"No... I can... I can do it." Roman slurred as Erik strapped him into the car.

"No can do, Roman. You are far too drunk to drive." Roman frowned as he just shook his head.

"I didn't... I barely drank." Erik just smirked as he turned the radio on and started off away from the bar, heading for Roman's home.

"Here we are." Erik smiled as he glanced over to see Roman dazed out and leaning against the car window. "You really can't hold your liquor, can you? You only had two shots, Ro."

"No, I can. I can... I'm good. I don't know why I..." Erik just laughed as he checked his phone and beamed. "E-Erik?" Erik just smiled as he helped Roman out of the car holding his phone tightly in his hands as Roman stumbled with every step.

"Let's go. Right in here, Roman." Roman frowned as he looked around not noticing Virgil's car as Erik walked him into the house.

"Wait. Wheres... Where is..." Erik laughed as he closed the front door and locked it. "Erik?"

"Virgil won't be back for a while. He's out with an old friend." Roman tensed as he felt Erik start to lead him off. "That means we have quite a while to get things... situated."

"No. Wait... Erik..." Roman whined as Erik dragged him towards the room. "No... No, I..."

"Oh, stop it, Roman. We ALL know you don't really give a shit." Roman tensed as he weakly tried to pull away. Erik just grinned as he forced the man into the bedroom and onto the bed. "After all you're just a nympho. It was only a matter of time."

"E-Erik... I don't... Please?"

"What was that?" Erik smiled as held Roman's hands down. "Did you just say please?"

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