23: The Heart of Her

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By the end of the night, I was skating side by side with Sara and at times, I was able to get a little faster than her. Towards the end, Sara found herself nearly out of breath and found relief against the wall. Wanting to be at her side, my fast-moving body had to stop itself, but couldn't. I ended up crashing into her. Thankfully, she was able to move after I crashed into her and use the strategy she taught me of falling down. My body fell against hers as I laid on top of her. The two of us laughed and smiled as my eyes got lost in hers. It was the same with her. It goes without saying that we had a fun night of ice skating. By the end of it, my body felt hot and I could tell that Sara's body also had some heat. It was nearly midnight when we walked out of the ice skating rink. Taking a step outside, we noticed that it had grown colder in the last few hours, but neither of us wanted to get in the car and leave. We wanted to be with each other a little longer and enjoy the cold against our skin. We decided to take a little walk. I was hoping we would be able to enjoy each other's company with the quiet of the night. 

"What are you majoring in?" she asked with our fingers connected. Before I could respond, she spoke again. "I don't think we actually ever talked about our majors. It's weird because I basically know so much about you already."

I chuckled and squeezed her hand tighter. "I actually have no idea what I'm majoring in. I considered business or even communications, but I don't know. I never thought I actually would make it this far. What about you, what are you majoring in?"

She took a deep happy breath. "Creative Writing. Right now I'm thinking I might want a career in editing or publishing."

"Creative Writing? Crap, I really wish I knew what I was interested in. I'm sometimes scared that I might never be able to figure it out.

She stopped our walk and pointed our vision at the moon. "It's amazing how the moon was considered unreachable thousands of years ago, and yet man wanted to reach the moon. They theorized about it. They talked about going, but they weren't sure how they were going to do it. But one day, man found a solution and made a dream happen. Man found themselves awake on the moon."

My vision stayed on the moon. "I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about." 

With that, we continued walking until we reached what appeared to be a small bonfire. There were about six other people or three couples gathered around the small fire trying to find warmth. Sara was tired and found herself sitting on a rock with me sitting next to her on the ground.

"You guys having a good Valentine's Day?" asked one of the girls at the bonfire.

Sara smiled and spoke while trying to catch the breath that she lost. "It's been fun. Our first Valentine's Day together." My lips found themselves kissing her lips.

"Oh, that's sweet," she happily chirped. "How long have you been together?"

"We started dating at the beginning of this month," my mouth chimed in. "I took her on a date to the zoo and from there, things just happened." Sara patted my shoulder as everyone awed.

For the next twenty minutes, everyone at the bonfire talked about their relationship and what they did for Valentine's Day. It seemed like I was doing most of the talking while Sara slowly dropped out of the conversation. It was about another ten minutes before they all left. We continued to stay watching what was left of the fire. There wasn't a whole lot of it.

"This is nice," I stated.

There was no response from Sara. Her eyes were directly on the barely visible fire. It was almost like I didn't exist.

"Sara, are you OK?"

My heart pounded once I remembered that she had a fear of fire. Oh no, why did we agree to stop here? My mind began racing and could only imagine what was going through her head. She wasn't moving. Her heart had a slow beat. Oh crap, was her heart dead? Should I call 911? Her heart was mere moments away from giving out. Taking the phone out of my pocket, It occurred to me that the battery was low. It would be almost impossible to call 911." No, this was it. She was going to die. After a couple of minutes, I was able to calm down. Something had to be done. Being able to lay her on the floor. Now her vision was on the moon. Searching all her pockets, I tried to find her pills. No pills.

"OK, where are your pills Sara," I asked knowing she wasn't going to respond.

Bam! A light went off. She sometimes leaves her stuff in the glove compartment. I remember she put her pills there once. Taking her keys, my feet rushed to the car. Within a short time, my arrival was made. With shaky hands, I tried to unlock the car. It wasn't working. Boom! Unlocked. Checking the glove compartment, her bottle of pills were there. In a short moment, I drove the car to where she was. Click. Out went the keys.

With a water bottle in one hand and the pills in the other, both were placed on the ground and her mouth was opened. Once the pills were opened, My hands dropped the pill in her mouth and immediately poured water to follow that pill. Quickly, I lifted her up and she was miraculously able to swallow. The only thing that could be done now was hope that the pill would work. It had to. Sitting there, I prayed for a miracle. I couldn't let her die like this. She was not dying tonight. About another hour passed. Her heartbeat was beginning to come back to normal. With more thinking, I put her in the passenger seat. Being next to the fire was probably going to cause a slow recovery. Of course, there really wasn't a fire at this point. Putting the radio on, I just sat there waiting for Sara to have a miracle. My fingers tapped on the steering wheel. Come on Sara. You can do this!

Oh my! Things are looking bad for Sara. Thanks for reading. Remember to comment, vote, and share!

Was going to the bonfire a good idea?

Should Jimmy call 911?

Are Sara's pills going to work?

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