43: Redemption

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"Jimmy," she shouted in glee. "Where are you?"

I found a fishing boat next to the hotel and came to rescue you before we reach the waterfall. Look behind you."

Turning her head, she saw that we only a few feet away from the ferry. A bright smile lightened her face with the wind blowing against her hair. Her eyes were lit up. It became apparent that she wasn't expecting me to show up. It was like a dream that nobody had ever expected to come true. Her tongue found itself licking her lips. The captain also looked happy to see me.

"Shocked to see me?" I smiled almost feeling a little cocky at the moment.

"You... You, actually faced your fear of the water? You came all this way to rescue me?"

"You didn't think I was going to sit around and let you die, did you. Love you too much to let that happen after all that you've done for me."

"Sara?" asked Dr. Parker on the phone loud enough for his daughter to hear. "Is that Jimmy? Can you put the phone against the walkie?"

Like a good daughter, she did exactly as her father asked of her.

"Jimmy! Are you OK? Is Sara going to be OK?"

"I'm fine sir. By a miracle, I found a way across these rapid rivers to rescue Sara." And at that point, it dawned on me that I really did face my fear of water. There was no way I would've done something like this when I first met Sara. "Dr. Parker, I'm going to be bold. I'm going to be strong."

"I know you are son," his tone went from concerned to joy with a hint of tears. "I know you are. I love you son. I love you too Sara."

"I love you too dad." She tried not to cry as she hung up the phone to what was now a critically low battery.

With the captain standing right by her side, she took complete control of the walkie, "Jimmy what exactly are you going to do?"

"Alright, here's the plan. I'm going to get this boat to the edge of the waterfall and drop the anchor on this boat. I'm going to use what remaining fireworks we have left on the trees on the side of the waterfall. The hope is that these trees fall next to this boat. If all works out, this boat and these trees should stop the ferry from going down this fall. And if that doesn't work, I'll jump off this boat and grab you as we fall off this waterfall."

She knew that the plan was crazy without having to say anything. Even I knew that this plan was crazy. And I'm sure if the good man James had any input, he would say that this plan was also crazy. Crazy events sometimes call for crazy measures. With the great speed we were making, the boat made its way to the edge of the waterfall. Without any hesitation, James dropped the anchor before we had the chance to fall. Crank! The sound could be heard from underwater. Next up, the fireworks. With me holding my share and James holding the other, we set our aim. Throw! Eyes closed! Boom! The fireworks went off. A few of the trees fell as I hoped. It wouldn't be long until the ferry reached us. It was all a waiting game now. A simple waiting game.

"Jimmy!" shouted Emily.

Everything around went dark until I reached the light. Where was I? In front of me stood Emily. There were no words that my mind could think of to say. All I could do was smile.

"You did it, Jimmy," she complimented. "That was pretty bold of you to try and save Sara like that going across a river."

"Yeah, I suppose it is." Looking around me, I caught notice of a golden street light that seemed enticing. Ignoring it, I spoke again. "I take it you don't want me dead?"

She laughed and reached out for my hand. "I never wanted you, dead brother. You're the one that wanted to be dead. You blamed yourself for everything that happened to me. How could a sweet little dead girl like me be the one to try and kill you? If anything, I just wanted you to be happy. And you are."

Taking another look around me, I saw that we were both standing next to a golden gate. It had to have been the most intriguing thing that my body ever witnessed. Was this the golden gate of Heaven? What else could it be?

"I'm not dead? Am I?"

She chuckled walking up to a tree and picking an apple. "No, you're not dead. It's not your time yet. Not your time."

"What about Sara? Is it her time? Is this rescue all for nothing?"

A bite of her apple was taken. "I don't know. We both know she's on borrowed time. But if there's one thing I do know, it's that you should cherish every moment with her if she survives this rescue."

Giving her a hug, I took an apple from the tree. "I miss you. You know that? Life hasn't been the same without you. I wish you could've been alive to see dad's embarrassing gift he got a few Christmas' ago. Everyone made fun of him for the next month."

"I would of love to have been there for that. Maybe we'll create more memories someday."

After exchanging an 'I love you,' she poked me back into reality.

"Jimmy," called out Sara on the walkie. "Ignore Emily. Pay attention."

Pay attention, I saw that the ferry was dangerously closer to us. Was this going to work? A nervous James didn't think so. My heart began beating quickly wondering if this was going to work. And still, in my robe, my body was beginning to heat up. At least I was wearing boxers underneath.

"Jimmy," called out Sara again through the walkie. "In case I don't make it, I just want to say that I'm proud of you and how you conquered your fear. I'm proud of all that you've accomplished. You risked your life to save mine. I know that Emily would be proud of you. She really would. Don't ever doubt it." She began crying. You're greatly loved Jimmy and with or without me you are going to do amazing things with your life. I don't want you ever to forget that."

Tears dropped from my eyes. I was definitely proud of everything that I accomplished. Everything in me was grateful for Sara.

"Sara," I began. "If you don't make it, please say hello to Emily in Heaven for me."

"I will," she continued crying. I will. And if I don't make it, I'll look forward to seeing you again someday." And Jimmy? I love you."

Biting my lips, I could see Emily from a distance. "I love you too Sara." At that moment, I gave God a quick prayer to protect Sara in hopes that our story didn't end here.

Before anyone could say anything else, the ferry smashed into our boat which naturally caused Sara to fly into the air with the captain holding on to the wheel. In response, I jumped and grabbed Sara holding her as tight as I was able to. The two of us were falling down the waterfall. During our fall, a large sense of peace came upon me and all I knew was that I loved my wife. I was loved. She was also loved. Thank you, Sara.

And we come to end of this story. Thank you all for reading The Girl With Five Watches. I'm grateful for you all. On to the epilogue!

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