Step 2: Gather your bearings.

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Where am I? 

I had no time to figure out where or when it was because suddenly, a group of masked people appeared in front of me, causing me to yelp in surprise and jerk back. And hey, why are they wearing those ANBU masks from Naruto-- oh no. 

That means these guys were the ANBU, yeah? And with and pointy objects. 

"Uh, hello?" I spoke warily. They all stared me down. "I don't suppose you guys can leave me be, yeah?"

A flash of a hefty sharp blade at my head was a good enough answer.

"Dude, chill, relax!" I squeaked. I didn't want to get hurt this fast.

"Identify yourself," A terrifying ANBU stepped up to gauge me, while presumably, a subordinate ANBU continued holding the blade at my throat. "Name."

My very unprotected throat. I could feel sweat stick to my inner shirt to my back. My sweatpants were not feeling that much comfortable.

"Um, Serena Meela. Or Meela Serena," I answered, correcting myself. The blade at my throat still didn't move away. I tried hard to stay still. 

"Where are you from?"

"Uh, so I'm from the state of Washington, but I headed off to New York to study in college--oww!"

I hissed in pain at the sharp blade nicking my arm. The ANBU asking my questions raised a hand to stop the other ANBU from harming me.

"Tell the truth or he'll cut you again."

"It is, I swear!" I answered quickly. "I literally don't know how or what else to tell you."


I bet the situation looked really out of place. A cohesive-looking group of people all wearing the same gear and equipment and then that one person dressed in modern clothing. 

Really, I'm just a walking red flag at this point.

No one in their right mind would even be able to make up a village without seeming like a liar.

Then, "In which direction is your home located?"

Uh, not from this map. Or world, actually. 

"I'm from the western hemisphere, and my state is up northwest of America. I'm from the west coast. Like in the top corner next to Canada and diagonal to Alaska. I live in the capital, Olympia, and uh...yeah."

More uncomfortable silence.

Maybe I should have lied and said I'm from the Land of Rice. Oh wait, then they'll ask for official ID and other questions. What are you doing so far away from the Land of Rice? Which family are you from? Etc, etc, etc.

Nevermind. I can't make up a new fresh backstory on the spot. Give me a break, I just died in my own world! 

The ANBU gave up asking about the state of Washington because he continued with "And why are you here?"

"...uh, I don't want to be here?" I squirmed uncomfortably. There were more sharp things at their disposal than me. I better play nice or become a shredded human. 

Seems painful, after all.

The blade inched closer at my face, so I hurriedly corrected myself.

"I really don't! I-I was in school doing all the things I was supposed to do, like reading books and writing homework, and, and, and...I don't remember...I don't know how I got here!"

"What do you remember?" The ANBU continued, towering much closer and threateningly.

"Uh..." I blanked at such a vague question. "Like what?" I hedged.

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