Step 30: Monitor the world, not the action

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"Hey Shino."

"Yes, Sensei?"

"Let's not tell our newest party member who exactly we're killing."

"Why not?"

"What if this ANBU is a loyal subordinate?" 

"Ah, then we as a group would be at risk."

"All I'm saying is, let's tread carefully." 


"Now, let's find Sasuke's target," Shino decided. Resident Grudge nodded in silent agreement.

"Is there any way we can find some blueprints of this place?" Shino asked Baby. 

"It might be in Lord Danzo's office." 

"Then what are we waiting for! Let's go!" Naruto exclaimed. 

"With a runaway prisoner? Not a wise choice."

"I'll stay hidden." 

"Then yes." Baby nodded. "I can take you to one of the offices. But be careful. There's a lot of traffic underfoot."



So Baby led us through a stealth adventure, avoiding all manner of people. Then, Hinata tripped over some leftover gear and armor, but not enough to disguise everyone.

"Who should wear this then?" Sakura whispered.

"Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sensei," Shino decided. "You all have noticeable features. Everyone else can use any leftover gear minimally as needed."

So we four walking red flags got as much gear to disguise ourselves. Shino took a spare black jacket to cover himself and hid himself behind a mask and hood.

As for Hinata?

"Let's make it really obvious some of us are super injured," Baby suggested.

"Great. Hinata's nailing it already."

We started bandaging her up heavily to make it appear as if she was brutally wounded. We also bandaged her head to hide her eyes. Since we don't have Hinata's crutches, I get to be her personal escort.

Shino joined in on the fun when we bandaged his arm into a makeshift sling.

"We already look like a disaster," I whispered. "So points for us."


With the safety of our new attire, the Baby took us throughout the dorms to eventually reach the ANBU's administrative rooms.

"By the way, who are you looking for?"

"Uh, Sasuke's target."

"Yes, Sensei explained to me that his target is grooming 'underdeveloped brains' doing 'questionable things,'" Shino said.

"Grooming?" Baby repeated.

"A fancy word for teaching not-good stuff. And also, he targets a lot of homeless or soon-to-be homeless kids."

"Wait...that means these people are being taken advantage of!" Sakura exclaimed.


"I don't really get it..." Naruto mumbled. "Isn't grooming something cats do?"

"That's the other, harmless definition. This guy is doing bad things to people who don't have a choice but to follow him."


"It's like...if someone was making ramen but without the noodles. And then teaching it to kids who don't know any better."

Naruto looked aghast for a moment. "That's not ramen!"

"Exactly. So Sasuke's going to stop the person teaching bad things."

"Not if I pummel 'em first!" 

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