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A string of curse words left my lips, as I slammed my fists against the fifth punching bag in twenty minutes. I was surrounded by sand and fabric, a sign that I was not in the mood to be messed with.

I was angry. I was every form of the word. The fact that I was too blinded to see her true self pissed me off. She was there all along and I had missed it. Her good looks bewitched me, and it pissed me off.

"Tomlinson!" I heard someone yell loudly. I didn't bother to stop, nor did I want to. I was pissed. I struck the bad hard, feeling a numbness in my hands as I demolished my fifth bag. "Are you deaf?! I told you to stop." I heard the voice say, causing me to turn around for a split second, only to find Liam standing there furiously. "Why are you in here at three in the morning? Why is it a mess in here?" He questioned, stepping closer towards me.

I ignored him, as I walked over and grabbed another bag off the pile I had brought in from storage. As soon as I hung it up and swung, I was pushed against the wall roughly, a tight grip around my throat. I opened my eyes for a moment, it to find Liam halfway across the room, his eyes narrow and a hand outstretched towards me. "I told you to stop and asked you multiple questions. Now, you may be one of my best, but I will not hesitant to kill you." He told me through gritted teeth, before releasing me, my body falling onto the ground into the contents of the many demolished punching bags. "Now, speak."

"You're a fiesty one, Mr. Payne. Does your boyfriend like this side of you?" I smirked, trying to catch my breath. He glared at me hard, before I stood up and walked towards my bag, retrieving my towel and wipping away the sweat. "Seriously though, I'm not in the mood. My good night turned to shit and I'm very angry."

"So you decided destroying almost five hundred dollars worth of punching bags would solve all your problems?"

"If that angers you so much, I'll pay you back." I snapped, as I walked back to the punching bag and punched it harder than usual.

"You know you can talk to me." He told me, causing me to grunt loudly. "What happened tonight?"

I paused for a moment, trying to catch my breath once again. I didn't want to talk about it. But I knew if I did, I would expose some vital information about Bolt to Team X and it could help them in some aspect. I sighed, before dropping my hands to my sides and grabbing the bag to stop it from swinging. "Athena Bolton."

"Is this the girl that tickled your fancy?" He asked.

"She's Bolt." I spoke up, ignoring his comment and grabbing my towel. "I saw the uniform and I saw her little sidekick who confirmed she was Bolt."

"You've got to be kidding me." He said, following me out of the gym and into the locker room. "What else did you learn about her?"

"Personal things: home life, likes and dislikes, the usual." I shrugged. I may hate her at this moment, but I'd never tell anyone exactly what she's told me. I'm not that big of an asshole. Some things are best kept a secret. "I met her dad."

"On the first date? Wow, this relationship must be getting serious." He laughed, as I threw a water bottle at his head. He dodged it, before straightening himself out and sighing. "Who's her dad?"

I pulled a white shirt on, as I tried to search for his name. Was it Daniel? Mike? Larry? I looked at the wall behind Liam and scratched my head, pushing some hair out of my face. "I can't remember." I stated, before the name 'Logan' ran through my mind. I snapped my fingers and jumped up a little, finally able to figure it out. "Logan!"

"Oh shit." Liam blurted, before running out of the locker room and towards his office. I stood there dumbfounded for a minute, before following him to his office, where papers were being thrown all over the desk. "It makes sense now!" He exclaimed, confusing me even more. "Do you know who Logan is?" He asked me, as I shrugged. I was lost. "He's Wolverine."

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Athena has claws, just like Logan. Meaning that's how she's killing everyone." Liam concluded, before pulling out a file and examining it. "Shit."

"What now?" I groaned, leaning against the wall. He signaled me over towards him, causing me to roll my eyes. I walked over and stood beside him, before he pointed at one of the many papers in the file. I read it over many times. I even grabbed it out of the folder and read it closely. It was quite surprising to see what it said. "She was supposed to come here? To Team X?"

Liam nodded, just as surprised as I was. "I never knew this file even existed."

"So, she was team-napped?" I spoke jokingly, thinking I was actually funny. I waited for him to laugh, but nothing happened.

"That was terrible." Liam stated, before snatching the paper from my hands and sighing, looking over the paper himself.

"Logan wanted her to be here. But why is she at Team Z?" I asked, as Liam shrugged. He set the file back onto his desk and sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't know," He began, before sitting down at his desk. "But we're gonna figure it out."


and the mystery begins.

let's take a moment to appreciate pissed off and sweaty louis. what would you like to see happen next? I have the next chapter planned, but I'd like some input.

so no one has participated in the one-shot contest, which kinda hurts my feelings, but oh well.

Love You,

Logan, xxx

what's your name?

Bolt {Louis Tomlinson AU}Where stories live. Discover now