Chapter 2, locker trouble

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I walked away from the glorified 'Adora '. I don't hate her, but she is a traitor in a way. But mostly, she just seemed like a  suck up. Thankful for any crumb these rich kids give her. I don't like suck ups very much. I doubt I am wrong about her, I can see right through people usually. At Horde, you can't really afford to be wrong. 

 I really didn't want to come here, but Scorpia told Mrs. Weaver about a bunch of programs and opportunities. She thought having her kids there would boost her image. We all came from the same orphanage and all did not want to come here. Except for maybe Kyle, but he was a dork and didn't understand we were going to be outcasted, whether we had Adora's support or not. 

 Adora seemed familiar, but not that familiar. Like an old movie I know existed, and I watched, but I don't remember the plot of.

We are probably in a class or two together at some point.

I sulked through the hallway, carrying my bag over my shoulder, glaring at anyone who looked at me funny— which was 90% of the school. I found my homeroom relatively easyily and plopped down in a random chair near the back.  My homeroom teacher was a tall woman with big shoulders. Her name was Ms. Hope. She glared at me as soon as she walked in.

 "You must put those bags in your locker at once. I do not tolerate a dirty classroom!" She had an oddly abrasive yet soothing tone. I didn't want to move. I wanted to make a point to everyone in here that I was not afraid of some teacher.

"If you don't put that in your locker, I will call your guardian as soon as I fill out your detention slip. "

 I realized she wasn't messing around. I really didn't wanna deal with Ms. Weaver's bullshit on my first day, so I gritted my teeth and left the room. I leaned into my walk, glarring at everyone who made eye contact. They were freaked out by my eyes. Most everyone I met was, so it made staring at them a little more fun.

 It seemed to take forever walking on this huge campus. When I finally found my locker, 5 minutes must have passed.

My locker was next to some hot shot, I could tell. They had their jersey number plastered all over their locker, and it was only the first day. I snatched my schedule out of my pocket and turned the dial to my combinaton.

It didn't open.

I tried again, still nothing. I could hear people snicker in the hallway watching me struggle, so I tripped the next person who came close enough. He went zooming forward, losing his balance. I laughed a little when he dropped his stuff. 

People who had seen whispered to their friends and scattered quickly. I went back to my locker again and tried the combination one more time. It was either jammed or I didn't have the right combo.

       I weighed my options carefully. I could either go straight to the office or try to find little Miss Perfect. I was gonna go to the office. It seemed the easiest, but I realized it I tried to find Adora, I could possibly miss more class. The said she'd be the one looking out for us this first day anyway. So I went looking for her instead of the office.

 I walked around for a while before the bell rang. I was giving up on finding her when I saw her dumb ponytail flash in the window of the cafeteria. Her and her friends were laughing up a storm. Probably about us, if we are being honest. She started to leave, so I just stood by the exit. 

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