Chapter8- Hickey

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We were enjoying the coolness of the pool, everyone cooking their bodies or tanning on a chair on the said side of the pool.

"Hey Y/N-ah I think you're getting a sunburn!" Beya squealed and I looked confused, she pressed the side of my next and it felt almost sore. OH SHIT.

"Oh yeah I'll go get some sun block." I smiled and hurried out of the pool. My sister just saw a hickey from last night.

"Y/N are you okay?" Minhyun asked in the doorway of my room.

"My sister just saw one of the hickeys you made thinking it was a sunburn. The chlorine and constant moving must've worn it off." I said and went back to covering it up.

"Y/N, I'm sorry I should've used waterproof makeup!" Luda apologized and came closer to see I was almost finished.

"It's fine Luda, at least she doesn't know what a hickey is." I weakly smiled.

"You just can't keep it in your pants can you." Luda teased Minhyun.

"Hey those are from last night!" Minhyun defended himself.

"Minhyun and Y/N huh?" Baekho said in the doorway and we all snapped our heads over. We were all silent.

"Shh." I said.

"Don't worry I won't tell, but dude, nice." Baekho smiled and Minhyun chuckled and high fives him.

"What the fuck." Luda said looking at me and I just shrugged and shook my head as we giggled.

"So Y/N finally lost it." Baekho shrugged.

"My mind or my virginity?" I chuckled and Minhyun dramatically gasped.

"Both." Luda smiled and Minhyun playfully glared at her as she glared back.

We walked back out to the pool and I excused myself from going in the water saying it hurts my sunburn.

"She Y/N and Dimitri finally got it on." Yeonjung chuckled in my ear. His name just sounded so weird to me now that I'm fully admitting my love for Minhyun.

Baekho was grabbing one of the water melon slices Bona brought. He saw Yeonjung chuckle in my ear and me turn slightly red. He let a chuckled escape and we looked at him.

"Not Dimitri?" Yeonjung questioned and I glared at Baekho before motioning Yeonjung to put her ear near my mouth.

"Me and Minhyun." I whispered and she gasped quietly and smiled.

"After the party, I think I'm gonna break up with Dimitri at school next week." I whispered and she smiled and clapped her hands quietly while jumping in her spot slightly.

"I won't tell." She smiled.

"Only me and Minhyun, Luda, and Baekho, now you, know and I don't want to word getting around because I guess I'm technically a cheater since I hooked up with Minhyun while I'm technically with Dimitri." I said quietly and she nodded.

"Are you and Minhyun gonna be a thing?" She asked and I bit my lip in excitement and nodded.

"Okay I'll let you get back to doing whatever you want and imma go dunk Aron while Bona dunks JR." She smirked and I pulled out my phone and went on Snapchat. I filmed it and Yeonjung and Bona actually succeeded. I just released how good they look in the colours of their two pieces.

Yeonjung with bright yellow and Bona's was pink to match her hair. Man I have really pretty friends.

I posted it on my story and the guys saw and playfully glared at me before we both laughed.

We had finished almost all the snacks we had, sun chips, Doritos, watermelons, strawberries, cucumbers, literAlly everything you could think of. Me and Seola ended up going inside to grab some more snacks. We were cutting up cantaloupes and getting bowls out for other fruits like blueberries and bananas as well as made popcorn and poured some more chips.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Me and Seola were in the middle of a conversation so she walked with me. We were smiling and laughing until I opened the door, Seola stopped mid sentence.

It was Dimitri.


"Oh hey babe, what are you doing here?" I asked with a real looking smile.

"I thought you said you had plans?" He questioned, arms crossed, slightly scary.

"I do, I'm doing them right now." I said with a slight questioning sound in my voice, questioning why he is here.

"Then what is this?" He asked and showed me his phone where my Snapchat story was playing. It was the first snap of all off us together when they all got here, it was a cute picture, I posted it on my insta. Then the video of Yeonjung and Bona dunking JR and Aron, then a video a had posted minutes before where me and Seola were lip syncing and goofing around in the kitchen to the music we put on.

"And?" I questioned.

"Your pool party! Why didn't I get invited?" He asked, at this point I was kinda scared because he was getting louder.

"It's not a pool party it's just me hanging out with some of my friends." I answered.

"And you didn't think to invite me?" He questioned. He took a step forward and he was towering over me, he's 5,10 and I'm only 5,4.

I was getting scared

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