Chapter16- Bench

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We got to the game and walked up to our group who was waiting by the team bench for us. We had a tradition of always getting hot chocolate before a game for good luck. They smiled and showed us two cups and we smiled and took them. We all started talking as me and the girls started stretching, we just talked about what we could expect from our opposing team

"They aren't too good, they've won a few but lost a lot more. Defence is poor and offence isn't super fast, quarterback is strong though." Jinyoung said. Him and the guys weren't allowed to join but were allowed to sit behind the bench to cheer us on, we begged the coach to and he finally gave in.

The guys then went to warm up and stayed stretching. I was a flyer if you wanted to know. Yes we did stunts, we are one if the only school that did so.

"Oh my god Yoojung!" We heard Yeonjung squeak and we looked to see some of the opposite cheerleaders talking to their families near our bench.

"Oh my gosh Doyeon too!" She smiled and hugged two girls, one tall and one shortish.

"Your team is quite big, 14 girls, we only have 10." The tall girl smiled and we waved.
Guys this is Doyeon and Yoojung, I used to go to school with them but moved obviously. This is Lua, Lucy, Elly, Rina, Sei, Suyeon, and then I haven't met you guys yet." Yeonjung smiled.

"Im AleXa."
"I'm Hana" (random name, not Gugudan)

"Well it's nice to meet you and I should probably get back to stretching." She chuckled and we all chuckled as well. We stood on the side as the game started, it went actually really well.

We cheered and shook Pom poms when our team scores touch downs. The other team took a time out and so ours did a huddle.

"But wouldn't it be better if-"
"Dimitri I know what their play will be, it's common sense."
"Dimitri Minhyun has a point and a play I actually didn't think of. It'll work great."

It's all I heard before they ran back on. That's when it went downhill.

Dimitri was completely ruining the plays and everyone knew it. By half time the other team was only a few points behind our rather large lead.

"Dimitri you're on the bench." The coach said.

"But coach-" Dimitri began

"I had the perfect play planned out and you ruined it. Now the other team has almost caught up." Minhyun sighed. He sat down and drank water as the other cheerleaders did a cute little half time routine. We stood behind the guys and I put my hands on Minhyun's shoulders, rubbing my thumb slightly.

Once they finished we grabbed our pom poms and awaited our introduction. The guys all gave us thumbs up and we smiled. The other team didn't have stunts but we did so we knew we'd make a good show.

"Now from Seoul Fine Arts, the Scorpion's Cheer squad." They announces and we smiled as we ran into the centre and stood in a V-ish formation. Also yes, our schools representative animal is a scorpion which isn't actually an animal but it's fine.

As our music began playing, right off the bat I was thrown up into the air with Luda and Bona. We here usually the flyers, sometimes Seola and Eunseo.

Candlesticks, baskets, and even being thrown forward going into spilts then back straight into another persons arms, it was scary but fun. And the crowd LOVED it. When it was the end EXY slipped on a shoelace and fell but luckily that was on the second last beat so on the last bear we all fell too. Knowing we had to cover up the mistake. No one noticed and thought it a mistake but part of our routine. We ran back off to the side and EXY was trying to hold back laughter.

"Are you okay?" I giggled and she nodded, a hand in front of her mouth.

"Did EXY not mean to fall?" Daehwi asked and we shook our heads.

"No one noticed the mistake, when Daehwi asked is when we actually thought it could've been a mistake." Jihoon said and we all chuckled.

The next half Dimitri stayed on the bench, sulking and whining. The guys ended up gaining their lead back and winning the game. That means our squad had to do our winning performance. The other team didn't have one but it was our schools tradition to perform one last routine if we won, and we've never lost.

It was to a song the old cheerleaders mad called Happy.

We got into the positions and we didn't have too many stunts but still some and it was most just me and Seola flying because we wanted to give other flyers a chance to shine, but they still made me fly. This was the performance our school loved the most because we would often perform it at pre rallies and then they would come to the game and wait for it to happen again. When we finished even the other team and their families clapped.

When we started going back off to the side I saw a girl from the other squad, I believe her name was Hana, smiled at Minhyun and touching his arm flirtatiously.

"Y/N." Minhyun said and motioned we over I moved a jogged over and he put an arm around my waist.

"Hana this is my girlfriend Y/N. Y/N this is my ex Hana."

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