Chapter21- Graduation

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A never broken football game and cheerleading competition win streak, never broken in 4 years.

Amazing friends and amazing boyfriend

Top of all my classes

Voted valedictorian

Accepted into the University of Seoul along with Minhyun

Hana has stopped spreading rumours and trying to take Minhyun away

Dimitri hasn't tried at all

It's finally Graduation day

The day we graduate from being a young adult to an independent adult. It's scary. I had Minhyun drive me to school just because I wanted to see him, it's our last day of high school.

"Don't started getting all snotty on me down babe." Minhyun joked and I scoffed and rolled my eyes playfully. We saw people crying and hugging their friends already but we didn't but only smiled knowing all of our friends would remain close.

We walked to our lockers and met up with our group.
"Final day baby~" Luda smiled and dragged out the last word. We chuckled and began talking. We had a plan ever had since sophomore year.

We always wanted to travel for a year before some of us get drowned by student debt, we've been saving for these trips we wanted to make since sophomore year and worked hard to get the most amount of money we could. We wanted to go to Paris, Venice, Miami, Tokyo, Beijing, Sydney, everywhere we could while spend a month or two at each place so we could fully experience the cultures and landscape and how truly beautiful the views we've never seen were.

Our school day was close to normal. We all signed each other's yearbooks and people asked us to sign theirs. We went to our OG cafe we go to for lunch and they knew we were graduating so they gave us food on the house like fuck yeah, we got all assignments and tests handed back (so many trees died in the making), we said goodbye to our favourite teachers and etc.

But today is not longer that day, that was yesterday, today was our graduation ceremony. I woke up at 10am and practically skipped downstairs to see my mom setting the table for a huge brunch we were having with Minhyun's family. Me and Minhyun's favourite foods to have for breakfast/brunch were made to perfection.

Bacon, eggs, pancakes AND waffles (but pancakes are superior, try to change my mind), cut strawberries and cherries, hash browns of all shapes and sizes, fruit salad, kale salad (gotta be healthy and fit in that grad dress), and toast and all in large quantities, a true feast.
"Wow all this for two families." I spoke.

"Not two." My mom smirked.

"What?" I questioned. I soon realized that my family and Minhyun's weren't the only ones but somehow my parents made it possible to get ALL of our families in our house for brunch, and by 'ALL of our families' I mean like Seola's family, Bona's, Aron's, Jinyoung's, and obviously etc.

After brunch which ended around 1 I immediately went to get ready. Having a relaxing bath with candles and bath salts, then washing my face with seemingly every skin care product I have followed by the same hair care. I then curled my hair and made sure the nude, coffin nails I got done after school yesterday were still tip top shape. I went to my vanity and carefully applied a natural makeup look as though this is a big event I didn't want to look like a hooker wearing heavy makeup.

Perfume here and gold earrings there. I had shaved and waxed, a girls gotta do the most, but yet I still put on nilons and got my dress on as it was nearing 5 which is the time I must leave in order to be at the venue by 5:30.

 I had shaved and waxed, a girls gotta do the most, but yet I still put on nilons and got my dress on as it was nearing 5 which is the time I must leave in order to be at the venue by 5:30

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When we got to the venue me and the group immediately began taking pictures with our families before finally finding our tables which were conveniently right next to each other. We enjoyed a supper before our tables were cleared and our names began being called to accept our certificates.
"Ms, Choi Y/N." They called and I got to the stage and shook the principals hand and got my diploma before hurrying off and back to my family.

"Mr, Hwang Minhyun." We all clapped and cheered, I smiled widely as I watched the love of my life accept his high school graduate diploma.

I awaited nervously for my name to be called to give the valedictorian speech.
"And now Ms, Choi Y/N to give the valedictorian speech." The announced and I smiled and took a deep breath before heading up as people cheered and clapped.
"As you all know, my name is Choi Y/N and I was given the honour of being valedictorian for this graduating class, first off........"

When my speech ended I smiled and bowed as people clapped and gave some cheers as I walked back to my seat.

We ended the night with some (too fucking many) pictures with our group with our diplomas. The guys, the girls, huge group photo, me and Minhyun, me and the guys, every combination possible basically.

They then cleared the tables and gave dancing opportunities which our insane grade gladly took up while the parents talked amoungst themselves and the teachers. A slow song came on and the guys dramatically and joking asked the girls to join them as me and Minhyun obviously chose each other and walked out to the floor. He had an arm around my waist and the other interlocked with one of my own as my other went to his shoulder and we swayed with the rest of the crowd and our friends who became serious and actually danced with one another.

"You look beautiful Y/N." Minhyun said into my ear and I smiled, our bodies gentle press to each other.
"I could say the same to you." I smiled and looked up at him as he looked deep into my eyes with love.
"I love you so much." He smiled and I smiled back, cheeks becoming red.
"I love you too Hwang Minhyun." I smiled and he pecked my lips before we went back to dancing.

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