Chapter9- Possessive

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"I didn't think I needed to invite you everywhere, I just wanted to hang out with a few friends I've known since I was in kindergarten." I said.

"I'm your boyfriend Y/N, you have to." He scoffed.

"You don't invite me everywhere, you go hang out with your friends and some other girls but yet I don't come to your house and ask why not." I shot back, trying to gain some confidence and control over this situation.


"No Dimitri, you need to stop being so possessive, you constantly pull me away from my friends at lunch and even though you don't line some of them I do, they're my friends and it's my life." I interrupted, the confidence coming over me. He then grabbed my wrists.

"You're my girl Y/N, you're mine okay! One of these days we are gonna finally hook up, I'll take your v-card, and I'll own you, we will never be torn apart." He smirked evilly and I gulped as he gripped my wrists a bit tighter and our chests came in contact.

"Now invite me inside." He ordered, I stayed silent out of fear.

"Y/N, invite me inside." He spat through clenched teeth.


"Y/N, do it now!" He growled. I hadn't noticed Seola had left so I was alone and no one could see me or come to my rescue.

"Y/N, I'm not gonna ask again!" His voice dropped an octave, not hot but scary.

"Y/N?" I heard Luda call and footsteps up the stairs.

"Y/N, do it!" He whisper yelled and gripped my wrists tightened making me wince and wake up my body as I tried to pull my wrists away.

"I need you to leave Dimitri, this isn't what boyfriends do." I said and began pulling harder but he only gripped tighter. Tears pricked in my eyes as his grip was painfully tight, bound to leave bruises.

"Y/N!" I heard now Minhyun call as now I heard multiple feet come up the stairs.

"You're gonna regret saying that." He said and pulled me close yet again and tried getting me to leave the house.

"What the fuck!" I heard Luda yell. I heard hurried footsteps as Dimitri was pushed out of the doorway and onto the hard gravel at the bottom of the stairs, almost taking me with him if it wasn't for the hands holding my biceps. I could tell it was Minhyun holding me as Luda used her strong arms to push him away.

I was shaking  and still in shock of the situation.

"Y/N are you okay?" Minhyun asked and I turned to hug him. Seola had got them to help her rescue me.

"What the fuck Luda! I'm her boyfriend it's okay!" He yelled.

"Boyfriends aren't possessive and crazy like you. Boyfriends don't hurt their girlfriends!" She yelled back and pointed to my red and bruising wrists. I tried to move them but winced. My hands were now in from of Minhyun's bare chest. As his arms were innocently around my waist, innocently as in no one would suspect he was in love with me.

"She was being stubborn and a bitch!" He spat.

"And you're being an asshole and a psychopath, coming to her house and hurting her because she didn't want to be near your for two seconds and have a relaxing day with her friends. You're a possessive little bitch!" Luda spat back and Dimitri turned red and lunged at her but Baekho punches him before he could hit Luda.

"You don't threaten or hurt a girl, let alone your girlfriend and her best friend." He said and Dimitri got up from the ground.

"Dimitri you're acting like a psycho and this is just unacceptable. I just wanted to have one evening where I wasn't constantly talking to you because you're a possessive and needy asshole. This is done, we're done! I don't want you near me anymore and don't try to contact me because nothing will change my mind." I said and I saw Seola and Luda slightly smile. Baekho still had daggers on Dimitri to make sure he wasn't gonna hurt anyone and I was facing away from Minhyun so I didn't see his reaction but I bet it was proud maybe even shocked.

"Just because of this!" He exclaimed.

"No but this is apparently what it took for me to grow a pair and finally break up with your ass!" I spoke back.

"You constantly flirt with other girls in front of me, you try to control where I am and who I am with, you constantly budge your way into conversations only to pull me away from my friends and I'm done. The list could go on for another hour but I'm not wasting my time and something like you and something I could state in a simple sentence, you're a bad boyfriend." I said, the wave of confidence becomings thronged now making Baekho smile too.

"Are you serious?" Dimitri scoffed.

"Yes of course, I have been trying to find this confidence for a month and it feels amazing to get this off my chest. I don't need you controlling me and being an ass to me and my friends. This is over and will never ever become something ever again, so please get in your car and leave before I call the cops." I stated and crossed my arms.

"Oh shit." Minhyun mumbled against his hand to he pressed to his mouth in shock. He got in his car and drove off.

"Finally!" I cheered once the door was closed. We all high fives and went to tell the others the great news.

Childhood Best Friends(MinhyunXReader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now