Chapter12- Return

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Though Minhyun suspension was only 3 days it was weird not seeing him or his car in his usual parking space. Never seeing his locker open or hear him trying to close it quietly, never talking to him or walking to the cafe for lunch together feels just upsetting.

But when he came back I was overwhelmed with happiness. I basically stuck by his side all day, he didn't mind though, he found it endearing.

But the school marked TODAYS date, this was the day Dimitri was coming back. Minhyun's punch and Dimitri's slap were all the school talked about, they also didn't let the fact I broke up with Dimitri leave.

Constantly when I waked the halls no matter if I was alone of not people talked about me. Of course it wasn't bad things they were saying it was the fact that there were rumours going around that I had left Dmitri for Minhyun which I guess it's true but the same time it was also all the facts that I had stated before when I broke up with him the day he came to my house.

He was toxic and a possessive boyfriend that I knew I shouldn't have in my life anymore and I think that day kind of took me out of that mindset where I was scared to break up with him because I surrounded by my friends let alone Minhyun and I finally felt that confidence that I've been waiting for which is what led me to break it off with him finally after a year.

Not to mention a few days ago, 3 to be exact, me and Minhyun became 'public' if you will. We walked into chill holding hands, walked to lunch holding hands, he would give me little sticky notes with sweet messages on them during the day because two of his classes changed so we no longer had the same schedule. It was sad but he was an amazing boyfriend.

He would text me good morning and good night, little reminders during the evening and early morning before I left for school not to overwork or stress myself out and that he can help me with anything. We would go on little dates on the weekends or after school when we didn't have practice for our sports, we would go to cafes and parks and just walk around and talk. Minhyun was very romantic.

He would always be there when I needed him and hug me for the reason I was stressed or crying or even scared and something she would hug me for no reason at all, he usually backhugs me when he has no reason.

People now knew us to be the most popular couple in school, childhood best friends turned lovers, well they didn't know the lovers part. Everyone accepted it though girls wish they had him and boys wish they had me and people try to join our group but we are so tight-knit no one can really become a part of it. We've known each other for a long time, since kindergarten, and the new kids were only an exception because we had a good vibe about them and wanted to be nice on their first day.

Also our families were completely okay with it and sometimes my mom will even invite them over for a Sunday brunch and our parents don't care if we sleepover at each other's houses. They also don't know when they aren't home and for my house when Beya also is gone stuff can go down, if you know what I mean, if you don't you area innocent minded.

Really you still don't get it after that, fine, since I trust Minhyun a lot and obviously we feel strong love towards each other, also I let him take my virginity sometimes his hands wander and turns into us heading to one of our bedrooms to do it. Do I really need to say it?


Fine I'm saying me and Minhyun have sex and the time he took my virginity and the morning after wasn't a one/two time thing.

Anyways, I'm done talking about Minhyun, for now because I'm still sat in Minhyun's car though we parked 3 minutes ago, scared to see Dimitri after his suspension.

"Babe we have to get out, I see Cheng Ciao and Seola and I bet they are gonna wanna see you." Minhyun smiled and held my hand.

I nodded and took a deep breath before leaving the car. I immediately saw them so I waved at them and they joined us in walking to school. Cheng Xiao told us how she was scared that the teachers would get super mad because she is wearing Tuesdays uniform when it's a Wednesday, we just told her see was overreacting and would be okay.

We didn't know though, we didn't shrink our Wednesday uniforms ever.

We walked in and to our lockers while getting our binders and textbooks ready. Minhyun had 2nd and 4th period way from me now she he had different books and I fake pouted while waiting for him to close and lock his locker back up. He saw and chuckled.

"Here, read it during second." He smiled and passed me another yellow sticky note like he usually does when he gives me a nice message and kissed my forehead. I scrunched up my face at his kiss and he smiled. Me and him then began walking to our other friends lockers.

But I heard people whispering about me, Minhyun also heard as his name popped up a few times.

"I can't believe he still goes here, after Minhyun's punch and all."

"I thought Y/N crushed him."

"I wonder if he knows about Minhyun and

"Will he try to fight Minhyun?""

"Does he still love Y/N?"

"I wonder if Minhyun is just to make him jealous."

Finally I turned and saw him walking down the halls. Minhyun took a small step closer the me and our group watched as he got closer.

Finally he locked eyes with me, flashing them to me then Minhyun while he stopped in his tracks just looking us.

I don't think Dimitri was happy I was dating Minhyun.

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