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it had been seven days since seth had heard or seen sasha and his worry was only growing. he called her everyday, he went to her house everyday, he even waited outside of her classes a couple times until he realized she wasn't attending them.

he hoped she wasn't failing.

it was his practice before the game, but he couldn't focus, he needed her to be okay and not knowing was killing him.

"seth! c'mere!" coach called. seth ran over in fear, coach and him never really had the best relationship. "i don't know what's going on in that little head or yours, but i need it solved."

"i'm trying coach."

"i know." he paused. he could see on seth's face that he wasn't okay. he sighed. "look, orton, ambrose and reigns are on the bleachers. take a break, go talk to them, but i want you back on this field with your head screwed on straight so we are prepared to win tomorrow night. you got me?"

"yes coach." seth nodded before jogging off to his best friends. they all looked up at him as he stood in front of them.

"you look like you've had a hard life, my friend."

"yeah, what's going on sethie boy?"

"sasha ain't putting out no more?" dean added after his friends before he noticed seth tense at her name. "wait seriously, what happened?"

"i haven't seen or heard from sasha in about a week. i am starting to get worried. she hasn't even attended class." he explained as they look shocked.

"do you think she went home?" roman asked.

"i don't know much about her home life, but she made it pretty clear she would never go back." seth replied. sasha had only told him that she hated los angeles and that returning would be the end of her. "look, i am really scared, alright."

"seth, calm down. i'm sure she's fine." dean explained trying to calm him down.

"but what if she's not?" he mumbled as he covered his face with his hands. "fuck man." he groaned before standing up. he looked down at all his friends.


"i've gotta go." he says cutting off randy. "tell coach i am ready for tomorrow's game." was all he said before he ran off the field.  he ran past her apartment building, he ran past the diner they usually ate dinner at, he ran until his lungs started to burn. he ran past the bridge they shared multiple kisses on.

he ran to their spot.

part of him had hoped to see her, just for a second. seth sighed when he noticed that it was stranded and he was alone. he laid down on the dock as he stared into the sky that was just setting.

he missed her, genuinely. he had a whole life before her, but he couldn't recall it. he couldn't remember how he used to function before she came along. he had always felt out of place, all his friends had girlfriends, while he was the seventh wheel. dean eventually broke up with his girlfriend, but he still felt empty.

he wanted someone to love.

he wanted someone to miss.

he wanted someone to kiss.

he wanted someone to hug.

he wanted someone who would miss him.

he wanted someone who would love him right back.

he found that.

but just in the space of an hour, she was gone. he didn't even know why, he didn't know what he did wrong.

he just knew it hurt.

this was the worst pain he had ever felt in his life. his chest ached everytime he thought of her and he couldn't help, but ask himself, was it love?

did he love her?

the way his stomach would tingle when she kissed him, the way his eyes lit you everytime she walked into his view, the way he would do anything to hear her laugh. the way he loved her.

a tear made it's way down his face as came to his conclusion, he did love her. he loved her more than he had ever loved anyone before.

he sighed deeply before finally finding the courage to get up and go home. he dragged himself up the hill to his empty house.

he was used to this. he was used to being his own company ninety percent of the time, but he wished he didn't have to be.

but there he stood, at his front door with no one on the other side to greet him. no one to ask him about his day. no one to ask him what they should have for dinner.

no one to tell him how their day went. no one to tell him to shut up because the best part of the movie was coming up.

sasha wasn't there to kiss him goodnight.

sasha wasn't there to tell him how well he'd do at the game tomorrow.

sasha wasn't there to tell him how much she loved him.

a/n kind of short again, but i kind of liked it hehe

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