Chapter 9

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I woke up in the late afternoon, feeling parched and tired. I stood up on my all fours and climbed my bed to sit. I drank some water from my side table remembering all the things that happened in the morning. I never wanted to be used physically or emotionally but I guess I have to set my priorities. And as far as my priority list goes, nothing tops my brother. I know everyone is going to use him as my weakness but I will not let them treat me like dirt. If this world needs it, I will bring them one more bitch to deal with.

I walked into my bathroom, took my shower. I have finally planned to shove it in their faces so I might get it tidy up from my front. I cleaned my room and the living room. I followed next in the kitchen fixing myself my meal. Having spicy noodles and steamed rice was appetizing as well as restoring my strength. I came out of the kitchen and it was already starting to get dark outside. I drenched the backyard with water and made the land soft. I like it mushy when it comes to the ground under my feet.

3 Days later...

I have found Suga's informant. The guy who bought stuff from me earlier and informed him stating that I was selling to the faculty too. I pretended that I knew nothing. He came up to me again, asking for the stuff. I eyed him and walked to the back alley. I heard him walking behind me. Once I reached pretty dense in the alleyway, I suddenly turned around, startling him.

"Here, give me worth 100 bucks man", he said while looking all over to avoid prying eyes.

I grabbed his collars and kneed him in his balls. He dropped the money while clutching on to himself between his legs. "What was that for?" He whisper-shouted at me struggling to keep his composure. He kneeled on the ground. I squatted in front of him pulling off my hat to the side. I picked the money he dropped. "This is for snitching on me like a dog to your master," I smirked at him.

"If you ever come into my vicinity again or try to snitch on me, I will have your balls in my toaster and will feed your master the same balls in a sandwich." I got up, and kicked him again under his chin, making him fall to the ground. I walked away.

The week passed. I have been selling the product at higher rates. By the end of the week, I have double the amount of what I gave previously to Suga. I called him up.

"Hey baby girl, did you sell everything? Do you want me to come?"

"I will come to you this time. Same alley, same time. I will be there with your money, you better come with Kyungsoo."

I disconnected the phone call. I thought I was intimidating enough.

I got ready, wearing my blue jeans and a baggy sweater. I tied up my hair in a high pony. If they are asking for another fight like the last time, I am going to give them their worst nightmare. I hanged a backpack with money and a baseball bat inside. I wore my knuckles on my fingers, cocked the gun that I have managed to procure from one of the illegal sellers. I picked my pocket knife and placed it in my sock pocket, while another knife, hung under my sweater on the buckle of my jeans. I kept the gun in the trainer belt that I wore inside my sweater. Everything is concealed and ready. I light my cigarette took my hat and keys and left.

I reached the alley. Within an hour, I saw 2 black vans pull outside the alley. Men littered out of the van like mice. I chuckled at them. Have I scared them enough? Every time they have been pouncing on me while taking away the victory each time. They still need so many men to control me? I saw Suga coming out of the van, well this time he ain't sneaking up on me. He strolls toward me with a smirk on his face. I want to wipe that smirk off his face more than breathing the same air. But I can't. He halted right in front of me while releasing the cigar smoke on my face. I closed my eyes controlling my anger and turned my face away from him.

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