Chapter 13

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Suga's POV...

"VANESSA... VANESSA..." I practically screamed at her and rushed inside the bathroom almost slipping on the blood and water mixed. I reached to her and grabbed her hand that was bleeding. I patted her face and shook her a bit but she did not respond to me. This can't be true. Am I dreaming? Tears were welling up in my eyes. No idea what came to my mind, I turned off the tap and unblocked the sinkhole. I just picked her up and took her out of the bathroom. I ran and grabbed a few hand towels and tissues to stop her bleeding out.

I wrapped her wrist with the hand towel and continued calling out to her and shaking her. I tried feeling her breath but she was not. I can't feel any breath from her nostrils. I finally broke down and cried. I took her in my arms and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Don't leave me, please. You can't leave me like this." I hid my face in her neck when I felt a very low and slow movement. I checked her pulse. There was not much but a faint pulse could be felt. I hurried to the phone and called Jung kook.

"Get here before you breathe. I need to go to the hospital." I disconnected the call.

Next, I wrapped Vanessa in bedcovers. Her wrists were wrapped tightly and secured inside the covers. Then I carried her in my arms to the front door. Before I opened the doors, Jung kook was standing there with a horrified expression. "What happened?" He asked. "Just drive, I'll tell you on the way" I replied.

We reached the hospital emergency section in a few minutes and I carried her in my arms not waiting for the stroll beds. The doctors immediately admitted her and started with the treatment. Jung kook took the privilege to call others to the hospital explaining what had happened. I was pacing outside her treatment room, panicking of the aftermath.

The Doctor came out and asked me to talk to him.

"First of all, she is out of danger, but need intensive care for she has lost a lot of blood. The cuts were deep and now sutured. But the amount of blood that she lost is making it difficult for her to come back to us yet."

"What do you mean? Is she not waking up?" I heard myself choking to my tears. My breathing became rapid.

"I hope she makes it. But we are still doubtful. But there is something more important for you to know."

"What— I was shaking for what is the new situation?

"Our reception called the police when they noted a suicide attempt case. They will be arriving in 15 minutes or so. Since our staff said that the patient was in ICU. I am not shifting her to her room yet. Now, I know what you want. Arrange for the escape I can only help you to get out through morgue."

The Doctor is Kim Seok Jung, Seok Jin's elder brother. He is not involved in any of our businesses but he often helps us out seeing the effects of our business. I quickly bowed to him and went to find Jung Kook, who soon returned with others.

"Are you alright? How is she?" Seok Jin enquired.

"She is not awake yet. I can't explain everything but we need to move her now." I replied in haste.

"What? Why?" Jimin asked me.

"Just bring the van at the back door and wait outside the morgue," I asked Seok Jin and Jung kook.

"I will tell everything and answer all your questions, once we are out of here." I looked at Jimin. He glanced at me and softly nodded.

"Jimin and V can you guys please take care of the escalator, we need the one that can carry out the bed trolley downstairs to the morgue."

"Hoseok, Namjoon help me with covering and transferring Vanessa to the morgue," I instructed them. 

We walked back to Vanessa's room but Namjoon pushed me back behind the wall and shushed me with the finger on his lips. We peeked and saw 2 men standing outside the door, talking to Seok Jung Hyung. They were dressed informally but by the looks of it looked like investigators. We waited. I saw hyung talking to those men and stole a gaze at us hiding behind the wall. He ushered them in another direction, probably to his office.

We sneaked inside her room only to see another nurse inside. I shuffled on my feet, but Namjoon asked her about Vanessa to avoid any suspicions. She quickly took the readings and wrapped up her health charts. She took down the IV bag and the Blood bag that was hooked on the stands beside the bed. She asked Hoseok to hold on to the blood bag and instructed him to squeeze it at regular intervals until we can hang it above. It seems she knew about our escape or was working under the loyalty of Seok Jung Hyung. I smiled at her and walked to her.

"She is recovering, but the recovery is very slow. She would need to rest. Wherever you take her to make sure she gets the medical assistance right away," she finally answered Namjoon.

I bowed to her in acceptance and held on to the bed trolley. The nurse covered, Vanessa's face making it look like a dead body. The thought tore me apart. Just an hour ago, I thought she left me forever. Looking at her like this made me quiver in fear. Namjoon held on my shoulder, "Don't worry hyung, she will be alright". I smiled at him and carried out the bed to the elevator.

Jimin and V pulled in the bed and we all got in. We walked out the elevator door and into the morgue. Thank god there was no one in the walking alley so we could take her easily inside the morgue. Jung kook was waiting behind the back door but cannot open the door from outside. Suddenly Hoseok alerted us, "I hear some footsteps. Quick hide. We can't open the doors yet".

I hid under the post-mortem sink while Hoseok and Namjoon hid behind the chilling fridges. Someone walked in, put their stuff on the table, and left. I could see the shoes from underneath. As soon as the doors closed, I rolled out and Hoseok and Namjoon came out. We checked on Vanessa and opened the back door.

Jung Kook and Jin Hyung helped us and we sneaked her into the van. There was not much space, so Hoseok and Namjoon decided to come with Jimin and V who had left the elevator and walked in the opposite direction to avoid coming out in a large group. We agreed to meet at my home and everybody took off.

Jung Kook had called more men to help us back at home. They helped with taking Vanessa inside the house. Since we had more blood bags and IVs, we thought a nurse should be here. Within an hour, Seok Jung hyung came to my house. After adjusting all the blood bags, and other machinery he came out of the room and asked me to call everyone to the living room.

"If you all are done with your ruckus, will anyone care to tell me who the fuck is that girl? And why am I helping her?" He asked in a furious tone. Hyung was always against our business and had always asked Jin hyung to leave this treacherous path and be something more respectful. He had often screamed at us too whenever we were bleeding or roughed up at all.

"Hyung, she is ... Wang Son's Sister." V blurted out.

Everybody's eyes shot up to him cursing at him under the breath for mentioning the name.

"Who?" hyung was shocked. Bewildered at the mention of the name. He hates him. He hates the fact we work for him. I don't even know how he cares for us when all we do is go against him and his principles. No one spoke up. We kept our head down and waited for him to throw out some curses at us. He did not.

He ruffled his hair and looked at us and finally glared at me. "I do not care who she is. If she is important for you guys I will help. Mind it, I will not come here again and again. Hire a nurse, I will send the one you met earlier. Contact me if her condition worsens. She will take care of her."

We all nodded in sync. He commanded all of us and left. They all sat down in the living room while I went up to check on her. She was sleeping soundly, her breathing a bit normal. I walked to the bed and sat on the bed caressing her fingers with the pads of my fingers very slowly. I was just scared that she may scatter like dust on my touch.

After a while, I heard a knock. Namjoon came in and asked about her. They later left us to get some rest. My friends did not even think twice before helping with a woman... The woman I love. I do not dare speak of it to them. That is exactly who we all are. All 7 of us. Freaking coconuts, Hard and difficult outside, soft and squishy inside.

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