Chapter 16

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Suga's POV...

I squinted my eyes. It is already early morning and I slept like a baby. I woke up to an empty bed. What? I suddenly sprang up on the bed looking all over. No, No, no. Did she? Again? It can't be. I rushed to the bathroom, nothing. I need to calm down, she may be downstairs. I splashed some water on my face and brushed my teeth. I came out of the room while combing my hair with my fingers. "Vaniee... Vaniee..." No response. I jumped down the stairs when I did not see her in the kitchen. Where is she? "Vanessa? Baby, where are you? Love? Baby girl?" No response. I rushed to my office. I had left my phone in there. Let me call Jung kook.

As I turned around, a piece of paper fluttered on my desk. It's from her.


Thanks a lot for what you have done for me. I never wanted to kill myself but I have an addiction toward cutting myself. Not to hurt you further or be a burden to you, I would take the leave.

Thank you so much.


Did she leave? She left me. She cannot leave me. More than my feelings I am worried about her health. She has not yet recovered fully and is not in full strength. I know she can take care of herself but not in this condition not now. I called Jung kook and he came with Jimin. I was pacing in my leaving room thinking about where she might have gone. "Hyung, I have put my men around the whole town, they will find her. Calm down." Jimin said to me.

"Don't tell me to calm down. It is all my fault. I should have not brought her into all this. I knew how sick she was. How much pain and instability she was suffering from." I almost screamed at him. It's not his fault, he is just trying to help and I am an idiot.

"Hyung, we should go to her house. There is a fire. I just got a call from one of our men." Jung Kook alerted. Without thinking I sprang out of the room sitting beside Jung kook who was faster than me. Jimin followed us in his car. As soon as we turned to the corner of the house lane, we heard sirens of cop cars and fire brigades. It is a tall building but totally engulfed in fire by now. I did not even wait for JK to park his car and just ran toward the building.

The cops held me back. "Let me go, I have to save her," I screamed while struggling. "Stop sir, who are you? Do you live here?" The cops enquired. I looked at them with a confused expression. What the hell is he talking about? Save her and then interrogate me. Jimin reached me and grabbed my arm. "I will take him away Sir, we are sorry for interrupting your work." What the hell is Jimin talking about? I glared at him. Jung kook came behind me and whispered in my ear, "Control yourself we cannot be involved in a criminal case right now. Let us go from the back alley the place is huge the cops must have not secured the whole area." I urgently composed myself but my heart was still pounding heavily against my chest.

Jimin came back after a few conversations with the cops. "They have already swept the area, but no dead or alive person was found in the building." He whispered. "Let us check the backyard. Idiot sleeps under the open sky." I said and started walking back to the car. We strolled the car in another direction. We looked in the backyard but nothing. We came out before cops could see us. We cannot stay here for long. It was in the late afternoon when I got a call that the fire has subsided completely and all the officials have left the place. I just need to put my game face on now.

I started my car, Jung Kook beside me and the whole battalion followed us. We reached the place and our men circled the area. I got out of the car and checked before entering. Everybody was in position. I entered to find anything that would direct me to her belonging. The living room was totally burnt. Her room had nothing left accept charred wood and emptiness. I closed my eyes and screamed at the top of my voice. Jung Kook came running. "What happened?"

"Nothing" I replied my eyes away from him.

"Come on, we should check the back yard again, I think there is something behind the vines." He sighed at me and I stood up dejectedly.

We walked to the vines and ... wait a minute.

I saw someone sprawled on the ground. I ran to it. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"JK", I screamed. He came running. Call Seok Jung Hyung we need him, home, Right Now.

I picked her up. She has lost a lot of blood, the ground soil now red in color and she looked like a pale infant. We all got in the cars and JK drove us back, the men following us again.

After continued suturing and bandaging, Seok Jung hyung came out of the room. I have bandaged all her superficial wounds. But I think she needs to be tested. She has dark blue marks all over her torso, her left wrist slit has ruptured many ligaments now. I am amazed her bone is still intact. She has injuries on her shoulder, hips, and ankles. We can turn the room into a mini-hospital but the test must be done. She is damaged beyond repair."

She is damaged beyond repair. DAMAGED. BEYOND. REPAIR.

The last words just echoed in my ears. "Take her to the hospital. Admit her under a fake name. No one will visit her. Only you and your trusted doctors and nurses would tend to her. Take 2 of my men who will be dressed as hospital staff and will be around her room 24/7. Someone wanted to hurt her. I am going to find out. The Bastard is going to Pay." Hyung nodded and left. Even he did not dare question my instructions right now. I was going crazy.

"JK help with all the arrangements for her transfer to the hospital. Bring me 2 of your best men and call Jimin and Taehyung. Right Now."

Within 20 minutes, Jimin, Taehyung, Soobin, and Taehyun stood in front of me in my office.

"Soobin, Taehyun go to Seok Jung Hyung, tell him I sent you. You need to stay close to Vanessa's room. Do not leave her out of your sight. Don't let anyone know that you are guarding her. Keep an eye on nurses and ward boys that come and go from her room. You must check the rooms cautiously. I want the guy who did this to her, come back to her and finish what he started. I want him alive."

"Jimin, send your men. I need to know the words on the street, anyone saw anyone going in coming out I want to know. Taehyung, get in most of the Wang Son's meetings I don't want him suspecting anything I want to know what is happening." I instructed them and they left. But Taehyung stayed.

"Hyung, I am sorry. Part of this is my fault too. I got her in this all." He pleads. "No, it is not your fault. Stop bashing yourself and get to all the meetings."

"Yes, about that. One of my men told me that Wang Son was out last night and did not come back till this afternoon. I think something is wrong."

My eyes went wide, "Does he have something to do with it? Did he find her?"

"I don't know Hyung, but he does not leave his house unless it is a super important thing and if he needs something out of our concerns. I smell fishy."

"We need to be alert".

I walked back to my room. I should pack some stuff. Jung Kook must have got her registered and admitted to the hospital. I will not leave her alone. I packed some change of clothes and left the house.

A/N: If you guys do not understand the timeline, it is as follows.

Vanessa left Suga's house late at night. She slept in her backyard. Wang Son and his men came in the middle of the night and kidnapped her while she was knocked out.

She was tied up throughout the night and her house was set on fire. Wang Son and his men left the house at approximately crack of the dawn. Yes, she did take a lot of time to get out. She was injured, in extreme pain and very weak because of her latest incident. 

The lookout was carried out all day. In the late afternoon although she came out but was not seen by anyone because the entrance where she fell, was hidden. Suga and Jungkook found her later. 

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