Chapter 26

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A/N: Hey guys it's gonna get more bloody and graphic here forth. I have warned you if scared of violence and gory, you can skip. 

It has been a week since I blew it on Kyungsoo's face about my return for good. There was nothing yet. No response from Wang Son at all. No kidnapping, no attacks. We were cautious and had kept security but I was paranoid. I stayed awake the whole night, even if I drifted to sleep for a few minutes I would jolt back up after a nightmare. It was getting on my nerves now. We need to solve this. I need to get it done.

The boys came this afternoon. Wang Son had given the resort business to his latest friend and all the boys were strip away from the tasks and accounts. Only the money and assets they had left were the ones they hid or accumulated themselves. Since Hoseok was involved with the arms dealing he had helped to smuggle away the arms and weapons to our hideouts. In a single statement, one can say we were on war but the opponent had not made any moves other than taking away his business.

"We need to do something. I don't think he is not going to take any action, but we can't just sit on our asses and wait for him to take his next step." I volunteered. 

"You think we can do something about him?" Taehyung asked.

"We will, we have to. Kyungsoo or Wang Son whoever he is has insulted me enough and I am not going to let it be anymore." Namjoon snarled. He was standing against the window looking out his right hand behind his back and left hand in his pocket. I could not see his face but I can hear the pain in his words. Pain that ignites anger.

Seok Jin came back with mugs of coffee for everyone and walked with a cup to Namjoon. He kept his hand over his shoulder and spoke, "We should take him down bit by bit. The empire is too big to just get it done with, in a day or so. We need an ARMY." Namjoon nodded.

It was late afternoon when I heard loud banging on my door. Suga was half asleep on my lap and jumped up hearing the bangs. He opened to reveal frantically worried Kookie. "Get. Out. Now."

He pulled out his gun and ran to the stairs. Suga locked the door behind him and ran after him I guess. I ran to look out the window and saw gunmen surrounding the house from all sides. There must be 50 of them here under my window. So Wang Son finally decided to visit.

I ducked under my bed and pulled out the sniper that Namjoon had gifted me for completing the training. I loaded the bullets, I walked to the doors to hear loud talking. I could not make out what they were talking about but then heard the boys running upstairs. But my door was still locked.

I then heard shooting. Shooting!

I pushed the dressing mirror and table against the door, blocking it from any entrance. Calling any of the boys would be stupid and I cannot run out the door, Suga fucking locked it. I hung the duvets on against the window making it impossible for anyone to see inside. Making a barrel hole in the corner and slid the window a little bit. It was just enough for me to put my barrel and take aim.

I took aim and started shooting. After like 6 shots, they recognized my spot and started shooting toward my window but another sniper shot distracted them. Namjoon is here. I smiled and left my position. I took the sniper and jumped over the closet boards, I crawled toward the bathroom ceiling and opened the secret door that was on the ceiling just outside the bathroom. I threw my gun inside and jumped in. The banging started against my door and it wasn't Suga or our boys.

I quickly climbed in and closed the secret door, just before they were successful in breaking open the door. I heard uncontrolled gunshots that felt like we're on the bed and against the window. When the noise died down I heard angry growling and footsteps walking away. The secret door inside connects Suga's room to the rooftop. Another secret door at the end of this mini room and I will be able to see how much grounds have they covered.

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