Chapter 21

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A/N: Hey Guys: How are you liking it? Please vote and comment to let me know if you like what I write.

Also, the next few chapters would be past life and background of Vanessa's life. I think it is very important to know about her painful past to understand the story.

It was not too long after mom left. She visited us at school sometimes hiding away from father. I did not hate her for leaving but I was heartbroken for her leaving us with the monster. I thought I would tell her everything today. She had promised to visit us during the lunch break and I waited for her near the school fence. Kyungsoo was so excited to meet mom and wanted to tell her about his grades in his math test.

Her car would often stop near the fence and she will walk inside the school, after the principal's permission we would meet. Our lunch hour had already ended and the PTE teacher pulled our ears since we were outside and not in our class. Kyungsoo was crying for mom and he pushed both of us in our respective classes. Warning us to expel us if it was repeated again. 

Maybe the next day.

But the next day never came. She never came back. It was after a week that I heard the cops talking to my father.

"It was a car accident. The vehicle lost its control and crashed into the nearby electric pole. There was another man in the car who we could not identify. The bodies were roasted due to electrocution. We found about her through dental records."

"We are sorry Mr. Do. Your wife is dead." I heard it and slammed the door of my room. I just could not bear it. Kyungsoo heard it too. We did not speak anything and just hugged each other and cried.

I saw father drinking and laughing that night with his friends. He really hated her. It felt like nothing mattered to him. He just lost his wife and here he was drowning himself in alcohol and gambling.

It started soon after that. He would come home drunk. He would beat Kyungsoo and sometimes me. It was always fighting or drinking in our house.

Kyungsoo stopped going to school. He missed mother and would often stand at the fence waiting for her to return. Looking at the school and the fence made him lose it. I wanted to do something about it but I couldn't. I cannot bring mom back and nothing else calmed him down. He would stay at home and I kept going to school just to avoid the home. I felt suffocated and seeing Kyungsoo hurt more. Being around Hye Jin, and my books took my mind off the tragedies I was facing.

I came home one day and while cooking, I saw broken beer bottles. They were cluttered against a corner and not cleared properly. I went to ask Kyungsoo and saw him sleeping. I was about to leave it but I saw something. I slowly rolled his t-shirt over his back. It looked like he was beaten black and blue. My blood boiled. I know these marks because I saw such marks on mom and then me. But Kyungsoo? I woke him up and asked him.

He just tugged at my shirt and cried till he slept again. He was now hitting him. I could not say anything when he hit mom. I never raised my voice when he beat me. But that was my fault. If I had done something then, Kyungsoo would not have been hurt so much. I stood up to him and got beaten up pretty badly. I hid his bottles and was shoved to the ground. Once I threatened to kill him and he choked me almost to death.

Another afternoon when I came back from school, I heard loud cursing and laughing from inside the house. I ran in and tried looking for Kyungsoo. While I was looking around for him, I saw him coming down the stairs, he is almost 8 now but his habit of climbing down the stairs with one foot has not changed. He saw me and his lips trembled. The tears were threatening to escape from his big doe eyes and they did.

He stumbled the last steps an fell in my arms, sobbing. I took him to our room and asked.

"Dad... Dad."

"What did he do?"

"He... He asked me to bring him the snacks and fill their glasses."

"Why did you go? I told you to lock the door from the inside and never go to him if I am not home."

"He has broken the lock." He pointed toward the door and the latch was hanging from a single nail.

"His friends wanted me to sing for them and one suddenly poked me with his finger in my ..." he did not complete his sentence and started crying.

My eyes were brimming with tears too but the burn of angry fire overpowered it.

"Did it happen before too? Tell me, baby, did his friends do this to you?"

"Yes, they often ask me to dance and sing and I would do because I was scared Dad would get angry and beat me or you. They would drink in front of me and abuse mom and you all the time."

"I hate when he calls you a slut. I don't even know what that means but it just feels so wrong."

"He will not say this ever again. We will go, ok we will leave this house." I hugged him and he cried in my arms. We both were. Mom left us and I could not do anything to save my brother from this monster, but it is enough. I will end him today. 

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