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Hello guys! Omg thank you soooooo much for over 10K reads, I never thought that so many people would read my stuff. This really motivates me especially because I had a rough time lately (much stuff happened, mental illness got the best of me etc. - don't worry, I bite my way through it). So now that everything is getting better, I will finally have more time to write this story! This chapter will include some lemon at the end! (If u are under 18 pls don't read, thx).

So have fun with the next chapter and our bakubae 🤡😎

You went back into the house, your boyfriend following you behind. Your parents just entered the house with the groceries.

"Good morning you two!" Your mother greeted as your dad towed more bags into the house.

"Can I help you?" Katsuki asked. You looked at him. Since when would he do that? You smiled to yourself.

Your mom smiled at him. "That would be so kind of you. You see, I'm more of a petite kind." She blushed.

Without any further words the blonde male went outside to the car to carry in some bags without any effort.

"See Bakugou, the training does pay off!" Your father stated at him, smiling. The ash blonde male sat the bags down and grinned at the man. You just looked at the two.

'I'm so happy they get along.' you thought.

You helped your mother unpack the stuff. She turned towards you.

"Your aunt will be coming over in the evening for a barbecue dinner. But they will be bringing a friend of your cousin with them, he's staying at their house over the weekend."

You made big eyes. "Let me guess, some douche from my old class?"

Your mother shyly smiled and nodded. You just rolled your eyes.

"Ah who cares, I'm glad I'm meeting my family again." You smiled.

"That's the spirit, (Y/N)! And you know your aunt, as soon as I told her that you have a boyfriend, she demanded pictures and wanted to meet him." Your mother winked and laughed.

You sighed and laughed.

After everything was inside the house the four stood in the kitchen.

"So, where do you want to go today? What do you wanna see?"

Katsuki looked at you. You thought about it.

"How about the zen garden and the shrine in the next city?"

Katsuki's eyes glowed a little. He nodded enthusiastically. You were surprised.

"So, the zen garden it will be!" Your father said.



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Bakugou Katsuki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now