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Seven days. Seven long days he had been walking with no goal in sight. Seven days have passed since he lost it all.

His job, his "friends", his life. His entire reason to live. He can remember the days he could sit and watch as life went on. He remembered being the odd one out. Everyone had a place but him. His place was to be by HIS side.

But that was all taken away because he messed up. No longer can he bask in the warmth of his smile. Instead, here he is, exiled in the cold.

SubZero wadded through the thick snow, blocking his face from the whipping wind and falling flakes. Seven days ago he was banished.

Threatened to even stay out of the biome. He was that hated. He was surprised Deadlox just didn't ice him then and there for everything he had done. Sub knew he would if he had the chance...

Where was he suppose to go? Where was he? He thought going through the snow biome wouldn't be so problematic.

A small snow storm started and he was freezing out there. There was no where to go. He honestly thought he would turn to a Popsicle before the end of the night.

And did any of them care? No. Did Ty care? Not in the slightest. Did Sky care? Psh, why would he? He hated him....

Sub rubbed his arms but knew it was useless. It was just too cold and barren out here. He was in the middle of nowhere on a snowy mountain. He would die out here.

And honestly he didn't think he cared. His entire reason to live was gone in the wind and swept up by some Ender-freak.

Finally too worn out and hunger eating his energy away, he fell face forwards into the suddenly inviting snow.

He decided to just embrace it and lay there. He didn't care to get back up. What good would it do?

He was so cold. The body numbing temperatures enveloped him and he thought that if he could shake any harder, he'd be like a phone on vibrate and buzz.

He almost forgot how cold it was when he heard a suave voice speak above the howling wind.

"Ironic, isn't it?"

The shock cause Sub to snap from his depressed shell and prop up on his elbows. Eyes wide, he stared at a man he swore wasn't there before.

The brunette guy had a familiar teal shirt and was sitting on a single block of nether rack, a type of block that sure didn't belong in the snow biome. But if that wasn't surprising enough, you should've seen the eyes.

They were pure white and seemingly glowing with malice and nothing but bad intentions.

"W-wha?" Sub stuttered. He tried to make sense of the situation. Okay, was he just a mirage or something?

The man crossed one leg over the other in a proper manner and leaned forwards, gazing down at Sub with interest.

"I say ironic because isn't your name SubZero? And here you are, freezing to death?! Ha! Such a joke." The man grinned.

He was just in a shirt but the snow and cold didn't seem to bother him. In fact, he didn't seem to even be in contact with him. Did it just MELT before it hit him?!

Sub moved his mouth but no words came out. What was he suppose to say?

The man, seeing he had no words to say, decided to speak again. "The question is, though, why is it you are out here? I mean, surely you have a home to be, right?"

He spoke as though he mocked, like he already knew the answer but he wanted Sub to admit the sad truth.

Sub shook his head, snow falling from his disheveled hair. "No." He numbly mouthed. "Not anymore."

"It was taken from you, correct?"

"How do you-"

"Stolen. Our of your grasp but you know that the chance to take it back is still there." The man said.

Sub swallowed a lump in his throat. What was he talking about? And was he right? Could he take back what he worked so hard for?

The man stood up and walked to where Sub was still kneeling in the snow. The closer he got, the more Sub could feel his energy radiating like a warm glow.

He outstretched his hand to Sub with a grin. "Come with me, and I can help you take back what we both know is rightfully yours." He spoke with dripping malice.

Sub was hesitant. "W-why would you help me? Y-you're o-obviously very p-powerful. Why?" He asked.

The stranger gave a thoughtful look. "I suppose you have something I need. Let's just say that.... We can help each other." Was all he said.

Sub felt his frozen face lift with a cracked smile. He knew he would give anything for another chance to be with Sky. This man can make that happen.

Sub took the mans hand.

"What's your name?"

An evil glint in his eye, the stranger answered. "Herobrine."

(A/N: Back to the grind, eh?? I'm so happy to have this opportunity to co-write with such a creative and awesome writer!! Rookie_Ships12

Oh yeah, sorry for the late upload. I had another project I was working on but, hey, it's up now!!

Here's the pen, Rookie. Have fun!!

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