Training (Chapter 17)

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Liam's POV

Why is it turning out like this? Why is this happening? Why are we all against each other? Seriously, we need to fix this. But now, I just want to rest. I want to clear my mind and have peace. I'm tired of all this problems. My memories, my past, my childhood, my family, my friends and my happiness. What is going on? It's nice that they're quiet for once though. I hope everything will be alright. And just like that, lunch is over and neither one of us talked to each other.

Time passed by and school was finally over. We felt a bit awkward to talk. But unexpectedly, Louis and Zhari talked to each other like nothing had happened. It seems that they always fought and got used to it. If only that's how easy I could make up with Amaya then that would be great.

Liam : " Amaya?"
Amaya : " What? "
Liam : " Is it okay if I join you to go to your place."
Amaya : " It's fine. That's what Aris said anyway. "
Liam : "Thanks."

That's not the answer I was expecting. She's still being cold to me. I also don't know why I still think she's beautiful even with a grumpy face.

Amaya : " What are you staring at? "
Liam : " Oh, it's nothing. "
Amaya : " There's nothing amusing in my face so stop looking. "
Liam : " I don't agree. "
Amaya : " Yeah, right. "
Liam : " I'm not joking. "
Amaya : " Can you just stop. I don't want to hear it. "
Liam : " Sorry. "

We started walking and headed for her house

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We started walking and headed for her house. We've been walking for a few minutes and we haven't talked to each other. I don't know if Amaya is uncomfortable with the silence but I am. Even if I feel this way, I think its best to keep quiet. She may need some time so that we can talk to each other comfortably.

Once we reached her house, Aris opened the door for and greeted us. I pretended that Amaya and I are okay so that he won't suspect anything. I think Amaya did the same.

Aris : "Its good that both of you arrived earlier than I thought. How was school?"
Amaya ç "It was good I guess. Chill as always."
Aris : "That's good to hear. Why don't you guys change first. I made some outfits that are comfortable for training. Here, why don't you put it on?"
Liam : "Thank you, Aris."
Aris : "Amaya, you could dress in your room and Liam please use the bathroom. Be back here when you're done."
Amaya : "Okay, we'll be right back."

Amaya went to her bedroom and as I was about to move my feet, Aris called out my name

Aris : "Liam. Does your brother know? "
Liam : " No. "
Aris : " He better not. "
Liam : " Why is that? "
Aris : " There are some things you don't know about your brother. "
Liam : " Like what? "
Aris : " Go get changed. "
Liam : "But I want to know-"
Aris : "I'll explain it to you some other time."
Liam : "Okay then."

I don't know what Aris was talking about but I ignored it for a while. After we got dressed we went to where Aris was. The suit was comfortable to wear. How did he get his hands on this tech?ItI doesnt look like it's from this planet. We looked similar but Amaya looks different in a good way. I then realized that she looks good in any outfit you give her. How can no one else like her? Cause I feel like she's the one. But I also have the feeling that she's familiar. I don't think I've seen her before. This isn't a honeymoon, Liam. Focus.

Aris : "Since your both done with changing. Let's start with training shall we?"
Liam : "Um, what are we going to do?"
Aris : "Since today is our first day of training, let's start with combat."
Liam : "I used to learn karate, does that help?"
Aris :n"Its good that you have experience. How about you, Amaya?"
Amaya : "I used to study self-defense."
Aris : "That's a good start. But what I want you two to learn is quite different from karate and self-defense."
Amaya :."How so?"
Aris : "Well, I want you two to study combat bit with the use of your emotions."
Liam : "How can we do that?"
Amaya : "Use you're situation now. If you feel love, use your passion for that person and make that as your motivation. If you're in rage, on the other hand, channel your anger into strength and so much more. But I have to warn you. It is fine to use anger as a motivation but don't let it control you. It is better to do combat with a healthy mind and a grateful heart."

Aris' words strucked me. It seems like those words are meant for me. I think its the same way for Amaya. I still feel like she holds a grudge against me.

Aris : " Remember, this is war. The world is your battle field. And your emotion is your weapon. It's not about strength and power, it's about control and willingness. Now tell me are you willing to protect your planet and the people inside it? "
Liam and Amaya : " Yes. "
Aris : " Let the combat begin. "

We started training. Aris helped us individually but after we got used to it, we soon had to face each other.

Aris : "Now that you've learned the basics, why don't you try fighting each other?"
Liam : "I guess I'll try."
Amaya : "I'm fine with that."


Hey! It's exciting, really. I'm feeling the tension between Amaya and Liam. Let's just hope that they'll made up soon. Haha, even though I'm the one who controls the story. But anyway, I'll see you on Friday. Love ya!

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