My Queen (Chapter 37)

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Sarah's POV

It doesn't matter if you are a queen or a servant. What scares me the most is being a mother. A mother who is not there for her child. It's scary thinking she is all along in a different world. But I know someday I will meet her again and I hope she forgives me.

Then suddenly the door of of my cell opened and without surprise he is standing again in front of me. He observes me a little and kneeled.

" I finally met our daughter face to face."
" My daughter. You never considered her yours, anyway. "
" Don't worry. She'll be mine again. "
" Dont you dare touch her. "
" Or what? What can you do? You can't even protect her. You just left her at the other end of the portal. "
" I have no other choice. "
" Sure you do. She could die at your protection. "
" No, she's the heir of the kingdom. I can't let her die at your hands. "
" One day, she will. "
" I'll kill before you do. "
" How? Your powers had gone dormant."

And at that second I felt hopeless. How could I forget?

"The food and other resources have been sent to every household in Magitide, Your Majesty."
"That's great. Thank you for the report."
"Its amazing how you took over the kingdom even when the people don't know you quite well. You must seem so trustworthy to them."

"Its not that praiseworthy at all Liander. Titus was in the middle of chaos and Magitide didn't have any ruler. I know that most people would be terrified and feel unprotected without someone who would rule over them. It just so happened that our kingdom was destroyed that I decided to take the position. It was their instinct of survival to choose me as their queen."

"That might be true, Your Highness but it won't take away the fact that you have great leadership."

Everything was normal. This is the way it is supposed to be. Neither did I know that it won't last long. Then a sudden bang came from outside.

"I said, MOVE!!! "

It was an unknown voice then the door suddenly bursted open knocking everyone in shock. Then human robots marched in and walked down the aisle in front of my throne.

"Your Majesty, stay back!"
"Queen Sarah, I'm sorry for the sudden outbreak but you need to come with us."
"W-what's happening?"
"Who are you and what do you want?!"
"We aren't tasked to answer your questions. Just give us the queen and we'll leave peacefully."
"If you think you could just barge in and order the queen like that, then you're dead wrong! If you want the queen, you have to get through me first!

Then like a real knight, Liander charges after the intruder with his sword out followed by the other knights. But the intruders quickly dodges their attacks. Looking at the way they fight, they looked perfectly programmed with fighting techniques. They blocked every sword and dodged every attack even though all the knights have powers. Some with fire, some with telekinesis but not even a single scratch was seen in the robots' body.

Not a second later, Liander was forced on his knees with a sword at his neck. He tried every strength to get out of the situation but it was hopeless.

"We have no intention of fighting back, but if you remain stubborn, we won't hesitate and kill."
" No, please don't harm anybody. We will do as you asked. "
" But........Queen Sarah"
" We have no choice, Liander. "
" If any of you dare say anything about what happened, you won't live to see tomorrow. "

Liander and I have to do what they say. We followed them obediently and went in a portal. It looks like a secret base with many advanced equipments. There are many guards standing around. But there is no turning back.

Then a man came out of the shadows. And all the painful memories came back again.

"We captured them, sire."
"Good, now put them in their cells. Its almost time for the fun part."

He looked at me and smirked. But I acted like i'm brave and gave him a fearless gaze. Then the robots pulled us with them and I was pushed inside a cell with a spell casted over it. I cannot use my magic to break through.

"I guess I can't use my magic from the inside. Only a force from the outside would work..."

As I look for a way to get out, I heard a noise from a distance.

Liander's POV

I looked at how the guards treated my queen and I just stood there doing nothing. This isn't right. I should find a way out of here. I could use speed. That would work. But suddenly, I was handcuffed. I tried to use magic to break out of it but it wouldn't budge.

"You think you can just escape like that?"
"How did you know? And how could you treat her that way? If a single scratch was on her, I'll-"
"Calm down, she'll be fine. But I can't say the same for you."
"W-what do you mean?"
"I thought you were smarter than this. I can easily take away your powers away from you. Not to mention I can make it mine. But.. I might reconsider if you come and join me."
"There's no way I would!"
" Then you would regret it. "

Then he gave the robots a nod and before I knew it, they knocked me unconscious.

Who would have thought that instead of protecting my queen. I'll be there one to harm her.


The next chapters are mostly flashbacks. Enjoy
Love ya!

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