Back on Earth (Chapter 46)

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Ian's POV

It's like the whole world has gone into chaos. Everywhere I look, there's people screaming, begging, praying to be saved. The ground began to freeze like an eternal winter has come and anyone who would set a foot on it would turn to ice themselves.

"They're so fast! The minute I save a person, they freeze and shoot ten more!"
"Not to mention there's only three of us here to help. Where did Louis and Zhari go?!"
"There's no time to be chatting like this. Ian, go to the east and save those people who need help. Find Louis and Zhari along the way. Liam and I will stay here and try to prevent the bots from scattering."
"I got it!"

Amaya, Liam and I split up. I made my way to the east and to my surprise, a lot of people are already frozen. Excluding the bots in the area, it almost seems like a whole abandoned ghost town. I saved some people who survived being frozen and who escaped the bots. After roaming around for awhile, I heard a few murmurs and went closer to hear more. It looks like it's Aris on the phone with Louis

"Hey Aris, we're ready to head back now."
"Did you finish your mission? "
"Of course we did! What did you expect?"
"Good, now hurry back. Caster attacked already and Amata and the others can't hold them any longer."
"Alright, we'll see you there."

As it turned out it was Aris. It seems like Zhari and Louis went to Titus.  It's a good thing they're going back. Seconds later, a light sparked turning Aris from human form to a portal. Before I knew it, Louis and Zhari came back. Without a hint of hesitation, I went towards them.

"Louis! Zhari! Finally you guys are here. Why didn't you warn me you were coming back to Titus?"
"Brother! Well, Aris told us he sensed Caster was going to attacked soon and afraid to waste time, we didn't have time to tell you. Anyway, where's Liam and Amaya?"
"We split up. They're fighting bots in the west.  It's a good thing you came back. If you returned any later, we would've been doomed. BTW, you look different Louis. Let me guess, when you went there she turned back to her original form because boys won't look at her."
" Alright I did, smartypants. As much as I want to accept the credit, because I also think I'm amazing. I believe you also want to say thanks to these guys."
"What does he mean, Zhari?"
"We brought the army of Magitide with us?"
"You what?!"
"Don't believe us? See it for yourself."

Then suddenly people dressed in armor came out of the portal. There seems to be a thousand of them.

"So Ian, not bad, right?"
"Definitely not bad at all. I guess changing back isn't so naive after all. "
"So, where's the battlefield. I believe that's where these soldiers belong."
"Then follow me. We have a whole army to lead."

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