The Ball (Chapter 42)

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Louise's POV

That's where it all started, I didn't know that being associated with royalty would get me in trouble.

*flashback continue*

"Finally, it's all over. I can do whatever I want now. I don't really need to attend the ball do I? "
" What do you mean you're not going? Of course you are! Btw, what color do you want to dress today? "
" Are you serious? You actually wanted me to go? "
" Of course, your father is already preparing jewelry for your dress. "
" How did you even know about that, anyway? "
" When it comes to royals, you know how fast the word goes around the village. "
" It's a dumb idea anyway, and it's impossible for me to get picked by the prince. "
" Come on we're wasting time. "

I just rolled my eyes at her while she dragged me to her fitting room. And made me choose a series of dress. It didn't seem like I was the one picking though. All the dresses that I like, she didn't agree on and all the dresses she picked I didn't like. At the end, she won and made me wore a dress she picked. To be honest, I'm already the one forced to come to a party I didn't want to attend and yet I don't even have the freedom to pick my own dress.

"You look so good, Louise. You really take after your mom."
"Seriously, mom?"
"Louise, your mother is just telling the truth. She does look good."
"Oh stop with that, dad."
"Anyway, I heard that those coming to the ball will receive a ride. If I'm right, they will probably fetch you in 5 minutes."
"You really pay attention to a lot of gossips, mom. Are you sure that's even true?"
"First of all, Louise, they are not gossip. It's just things I hear from here and there. And second, I saw a carriage going to people's houses so it's definitely true."
"If you say so..."

After a few minutes, someone came knocking at our door. It seems like mom wasn't lying at all. Someone did come to fetch me.

"Good day, madam. Is someone attending the ball from your family?"
"Yes, my daughter Louis will go. Go on Louise, have fun!"
"This way, my lady."

Do people from the palace actually act like this all the time? It's too fancy for me.

He opened the carriage door and I stepped inside. I always thought that carriages have small spaces but being inside it now, its quite comfortable. Excluding how uncomfortable the dress is though. No matter, let's just get this over with.

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