You Know I Talk Too Much

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Without alerting her brother, Emma quietly followed Art through the shop to the back office. She was never usually one for spying on people, but she had to satisfy her curiosity. 

When Arthur had managed to find Char in the office, Emma squatted down behind a stack of boxes, just in hearing range but hidden enough that she could observe without startling the secretive pair. She just hoped that she could find out soon, her legs were not used to this sort of exercise and Emma wasn't sure how long she could hide without tipping something over.

'Arthur? What are you doing here?' Char questioned. Emma couldn't see her face but she imagined that it was one of surprise. 

'I'm just finding it hard to keep it a secret, but at the same time, I really don't know if I'm ready to tell anyone yet.' Art explained, anxiety laced in his voice. Emma could hear him pacing in the small room.

'Art, it's ok. Don't panic. Tell them when you want to, ok? You're the only one who can make that decision. Everyone is still going to love you regardless. I support you no matter what you choose.' Char comforted, by this time Emma was getting curiouser and curiouser, what was Art so scared to tell them? Were Char and Art really in a secret relationship? 

'It's been a secret for so long, and it's killing me that I can't be proud of it, I'm just so scared and the worst part is that I have no idea why.' Emma couldn't bear it that her brother was going through this,. It was destroying him. Nothing like the usual care-free brother that Emma was used to. 

Before she could continue to listen in however, Emma's legs finally gave out and she was sent crashing into the boxes she was hiding behind, making the top on fall onto the floor.

Arthur and Char jumped at the sound and dodged the flying stationary. Emma was left sprawled on the floor, now subjected to their judgmental stares.

'Hi guys....What are you doing here?'Emma coughed, attempting to look natural. 

'Umm, I have to go, Char can you call me later- great thanks, bye.' Arthur spouted panicked. He rushed out of the room, not wanting to face his sister and what she might have heard.

Both girls looked at the anxious boy, one with concern, the other with confusion.

 'Em! What the hell are you doing? Don't you know it's rude to eavesdrop?' Char accused with pointed eyes, instantly making Emma regret her actions.

'I couldn't help it. You and Art have been spending way more time together than normal and I just wanted to know what was going on.' Emma tried to explain herself. 

'Did you ever think that maybe we weren't including you because it was something that you shouldn't know yet? That maybe you should just wait until you were told because there was probably a reason for it? That you shouldn't just barge yourself into other people's business?' Char was ranting now, her anger seeping into her tone. Every question was adding more guilt onto Emma's conscience. 

'I guess I didn't. I'm sorry Char.' She sincerely apologised, hoping that her best friend would accept it.

'I think the person you should apologise to is your brother. He's really scared that you overheard something that he wasn't ready to tell yet.' Char stated, making Emma feel like she was 5 years old again being scolded by her mum.

'Ok, I'll tell him when I next see him. Are we good though?' Emma asked hesitantly. 

'Yeah, I know you have good intentions, just think before you act next time ok?' Char smiled as she walked out the room to help the customer that had just walked in.

That's what she loved about Char. She always considered all sides of the argument and accepted that everyone was human and made mistakes. She couldn't hold a grudge but was never a pushover. 

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