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As much as she wanted to brush off Theo's gesture as inconsiderate to her privacy, Emma still felt the butterflies swarming in her stomach. His voice had carried every note with the utmost sincerity- as if he was telling a story. A story that only she and him would truly know. 

The comments below the video were already praising the new song. Most had already gathered that Theo was calling out to Emma. Bracing herself for the hate, instead all she saw was sorrow from strangers. All were pleading for Emma to get back together with Theo- some even scorned her because she wasn't with Theo anymore.

Hold up- weren't these the same people who were against their relationship?

She was never going to win. Emma reminded herself that ultimately it wasn't just the hate that drove her to cutting out Theo. It was the incessant presence of another person in their private love affair. Or rather several people. 

But Theo could have been worth all of that. They could have figured out something. Couldn't they. Didn't people always say that something was always better if it wasn't easy to get it? 

Emma crumpled in defeat onto her bed. It was too hard. Too messy. Opening her eyes, she caught sight of the map hung up. 

Agh- Theo get out of my head. My whole life isn't just you.

She refused to be one of those girls that could only dwell on a boy. Emma needed to get out of the house. 

Maybe a walk? And some music. And then she'll deal with her uni work. And maybe learn a language. She could take herself off to Paris on the Eurostar. Or maybe she could just relocate to Australia. 

And then she would sort out her life. 

With a groan Emma made her way out the door, briefly telling her mum where she was going before setting off.

The winter air was still lingering, making Emma feel cosy and tranquil in her coat and headphones. She found herself on a trail-way leading into the forests. 

Emma had fond memories of her mum tempting her with hot chocolate when she was little to get her to go on these walks. Of the times when she was in secondary school and wanted a break, she would escape to these green havens where nobody else could interrupt. 

Though the ground was wet and the trees dirty, Emma still found the beauty in it which she couldn't find in the polished jungle of London. Everything there was manicured and staged to perfection, constantly being congested with the foot traffic. 

She got her phone out to attempt to capture some of how she felt of the woods in a photograph so that she could take something of home back with her to the city. Though an amateur Emma found further peace and enjoyment out of her newest escapade as she challenged herself with something that she felt she could achieve. 

When she felt like enough time of her being an angsty teenager had passed, Emma made her way back to civilisation, walking along the cobbled streets with her hands in her pockets and hat tugged down to her ears. 

She passed 'South West's' and 'Sebastians' and pushed back the memories of everything that had happened- purely focusing on the homeliness that her town held. As she brought the camera up to her eyes, a familiar face made her stop.


The old man stopped walking, looking over in the direction of the voice who called his name. He had no idea who this little lady was. Emma herself was confused as to why she had caught his attention when she was doing so well of avoiding anything to do with Theo. 

'Um, it's me Emma- I came with your grandson a few weeks ago. How are you?' She politely reintroduced herself.

'Oh, I'm doing very fine thank you. And you?'

 Their conversation was awkward and spaced out. Emma never really one for social interactions and formalities, with the added dilemma that it was her ex-boyfriend's grandad who couldn't remember her. 

Despite this, Jay seemed happy with the social engagement and proceeded to talk to Emma in the middle of the street. Seeing his sweet smiling face made her relax. Jay was doing most of the talking as he was recommending a new grocer that had opened up and proceeded to update her on his daily life. The drama which had occurred in between their original meeting and now was so far detached from Jay that Emma could forget all the circumstances that occurred and could easily reply to his questions.

She mentioned how she had just started photography today and how she was trying to capture the essence of home, when Jay added how his wife always enjoyed the hobby. How it was through a clumsy accident on her part whilst taking a photo that made him realise how in love he was with her. 

His face held an emotion that was a mixture between happiness and longing. A story of how he once had something great and it was gone and out of his control. It made Emma see how love should look like. 

'Do you mind if I take a picture of you Jay?' She asked hesitantly, holding up her phone.

Though taken by surprise of her request he conceded and waited on one side of the street whilst Emma stepped onto the opposite pavement to get the full image. 

The photo was taken, capturing everything that Emma wanted to immortalise. She started walking towards Jay, whilst he made the move to meet her in the middle. Out of nowhere, a car came. Its speed could only be described as too fast. Too fast for a small town. It was one of those electric cars that had no sound, making it very easy to miss. So quiet that a not so young person may not see it.

'Jay!' Emma cried out upon its notice, making the jovial man look up. His eyes widening as he saw the incoming vehicle approaching. 

It was getting closer and closer and Jay was so surprised that all he could do was watch.

It was like Emma was in slow motion. Walking through treacle, as she made her way to the sweet man. 

The car was 10 metres away now, its speed only just decreasing as the observation of pedestrians. 

Using all her athletic prowess, Emma sprinted across the road and holding onto the weathered hand, tugged it in the direction of safety. 

At least, she thought it was safety. Her co-ordination skills could only last for so long, and so as cursed as she was, Emma felt herself tripping and falling, taking Jay's hand with her. 

Closing her eyes and bracing for impact, Emma opened them after the pain had erupted on her side. With panic she looked around to find Jay beside her, except he wasn't opening his eyes. 

The surprise of the car and Emma's actions had made him unaware of how to react, his body choosing to freeze. The cold, hard concrete of the road wasn't the softest of landings and Emma hadn't released his hand causing Jay to land in an unfavourable way. 

'Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. What do I do?' Emma spieled with anxiety as she took in the sight before her. 

Even with her lightly shaking him, she got no response. 

Taking out her phone, Emma dialled 999. 

After a stressful journey to the hospital, Emma was reduced to sitting in the waiting room whilst they took Jay in for examination.

The white walls and bright lighting did nothing to calm her down as she replayed the scene over and over again. 

It was all her fault. 

And now she had to call Theo and let him know that his only relative was in hospital, arriving unconscious, just after he publicly serenaded her. 

That was going to go well. 

With shaky hands and blurry vision, Emma selected the buttons on her phone, finding the name she had resisted calling.

'Hey Theo.'

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