Lost All Hope

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I've been locked up in this stupid shucking cell for four months now. I get to meals a day, lager meals. I'm getting a bit better treatment then I did the last time W.I.C.K.E.D locked me in a room. I still hate them. Oh and I learned another cool thing.

I can't use my powers in this place, W.I.C.K.E.D has some kind of inhibitor  that prevents me from using them. Or well using them at full strength. I can only do little things, like blow out my lightbulb.

I have been talking to Thomas and Newt daily almost. Causes lots of headaches but I put up with it. I don't think they know I have been talking to my friends telepathically. I haven't seen Ava or Janson since my first day in here where they they threw me in that White Room. I hate that place.

I get taken out if my room and to an experimentation room everyday. It looks like a large warehouse, half of it all one bright white room with one wall of glass that looks over a large lab on the other side. Guess which side I get to be in. Yay white cell room. On top of that when I am in that room I don't even get to be around Jayden at all.

I see Teresa working in the lab everyday. I hate her with all of my being.

In the room they throw me in there is always a loud speaker that tells me the different things they want me to do. And do I listen. No. But you see when I don't someone who is a little trigger happy hits a button that sends pain surging throughout my whole body. Like what W.I.C.K.E.D did to mine and Newt's heads in the maze, then in the desolated city. It's so painful.

"Alright dubject X today we have a slightly different task for you. We want you to use your powers." The intercom said. But it wasn't the same boring monotone voice I normally hear. It was Ava Paige.

"I'm not doing ANYTHING for you!" I snapped back.

"You will if it saves your friends. Aris and Minho, we have them not here anyway but at another facility. If you want them to stay unharmed. We just want to measure how strong your power gets before you go unconscious"

"Alright Fine" I said then reluctantly got up and stood in the middle of the room and focused, got angry. But I couldn't muster up anything.

"Subject X, do you need a little..persuasion" intercom said then I saw one person I would love to beat the klunk out of walk into the big cage with me. Janson.

And just like that I was able to let loose everything. But he didn't react at all. I walked closer to him, turns out he has an invisible wall around him.

"Well sweetheart you can keep trying but it won't break I'm perfectly safe" he said and sat in a chair and crossed his arms, waiting for me to attack.

So I did, I know I shouldn't of but I did. I hit em with everything I had. I didn't have any of nature's elements around me so I just used power, sort of like the force. Wait the force what's that? I don't know don't care.

I used all my power at the time, I saw the invisible wall starting to crack so I just pit more power into it. But that was a bad idea because apparently Ava didn't like that. She pushed that button and bang. Pain, lots of it.

I put my hands up against my head to try and stop the pain but nothing worked. While I was kneeled over on the ground in pain Janson slipped out of the room. I lifted my head and looked on the other side of the glass, Teresa. She just sat there, trying not to look at me.

I wasn't going to let her off that easy, I pushed past the pain and walked over right by the window and punched the glass, "I HATE YOU!" I yelled at Teresa worming in the lab. The pain in my temple increased. I thought my head was going to explode. I fell to the ground, so weak I couldn't move. I just gave up. I felt guards pick me up from under my arms and drag me back to my cell and let me fall to the floor. I couldn't muster the strength to move.

"Shit, y/n you okay?" I heard Jayden ask me rushing over to the bars of his cell to be as close to me as he could get even though he had metal bars between us.

I just laid there not moving and I let my eyes close, I didn't feel like doing anything. I felt numb to everything. I was taken away from my friends, my brother.....my boyfriend, Newt. The love of my life. For all I know they could all be dead. I lost all hope.

Newt's POV

It's been four months, four bloody months without Y/N or Minho. I miss her, so buggin much. Yes she can talk in our heads but not all the time, plus a pretty bad bloody headache when done. I haven't seen her beautiful face in four months, I bet she looks different. I know I do, I got taller. Longer hair. Same thing with Tommy.

We caught wind of what we hear is a train coming through the mountains in two months. We are already planning on jumping it and saving y/n  and Minho then.

"Hey Newt" Frypan said walking into my room with a big cheery smile on his face.
"hey" I said with no emotion.

"Newt you need to come out of here one of these days, we miss seeing you around. And you are kinda starting to really stink up your room"

I groaned and rolled over in my bed. I haven't left my room in a few days. When I first lost her, I was so angry and persistent to want to get her back. But now I have almost lost all hope. But Thomas, hell he's as heroy as ever.

"Fine Newt you won't listen to words I will just have to force you up. Come on, Vince and Thomas got some news about y/n and Minho" Fry walked over to me and grabbed me by my shoulders and picked me up out of the bed but the second he said y/n same I shot up and ran out of the room and down the stairs into the plan room.

"Tommy what's the news?" I yelled running in and both Thomas and Vince turned there heads to me.
"Newt you look like shit" Thomas said.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms "way to state the obvious. Now what's the Bloody news?!"

"Well Newt, your not going to like it very much. Y/N and Minho are not both going to be on that train. Only Minho. We don't know where y/n is going to be" Vince told me and just like that any bit of hope I still had was gone. Just gone.

"B-but we are going to find her right? We Are Going To Save Her, Correct?! WE ARE GOING TO BLOODY SAVE HER!" I yelled and Tommy walked over to me. "Yes Newt of course we are, this just means we have to take this opportunity and save Minho first then find out where y/n is and save her too"

"Alright" I said perking up just a little bit.
"And Newt, take a shower you smell like, well death" Tommy told me and I scoffed. "Alright MOM!"

Then I walked out of the room. I am now deciding, that I will no longer mope around, I will feel like I want to but I won't show it. I will do what I did back in the Glade before y/n, I will act happy when in reality all I wanted to do was die. Except this time, I ain't going to climb no bloody wall.

I'm going to get her back.

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