two | sass queen is back, bitch

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Your POV

"Dear god - How much food can you guys fucking eat?" I laugh, watching as the boys shove the chicken into their mouths.

"Listen, babe. All we've done today is smoked and we're hungry. Now eat your fucking chicken" Gerard demands.

"I....I don't uh...I can't really." I blush lightly, particularly about the 'Babe' nickname but also about some personal problems of mine.

Gerard looks at me with a slightly concerned look "You sure?" He brings his voice to a near-whisper and leans towards me "Are you okay?"

"Y...Yeah I'm fine I just uh...Kinda just some PTSD or something.." I mutter, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

He places his hand on my shoulder, which he obviously hesitated "Don't hesitate to talk to me" He leans away and turns his attention on nobody in particular.

I nod slowly as I begin sipping on the tip of my straw, the water flowing into my mouth as I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"So...What did you guys do to become "badasses?" Or whatever the hell Gerard called you earlier?"

"Okay, first off, we're badasses so shut your mouth. Second, I mean, I guess we kick the shit out of people like 4 times a week. And here's an example right now. Skipping school. Whatever the fuck you consider makes you a 'badass'" He says, inhaling chicken tenders.

"Mmmmmm..." I smile, nodding my head. "Y'know I uh...Maybe I kicked the shit outta someone at my old school to and maybe got expelled but that's beside the point." I take another sip of water with a small smile, looking down towards the table we're sitting at.

Gerard starts choking on a chicken tender and Frank has to basically rescue his ass.

"Oh my god I almost died- thank you Frank" He pauses to catch his breath and drink water "You deadass did that? Who was it? And why? What school?"

"Damn, ask questions much?" I laugh, pulling on a string on my hoodie. "Okay one, Yes I did that. My parents were pissed but that doesn't really matter. Two, It was this asshole named Trevor. Three, I beat the shit outta him 'cause he decided he needed to try to fuckin' rape me. Lastly, it was a prep school."

It takes a second for them to take that in. Gerard holds a finger up then stops to think, then looks back at me "I'm being dead serious when I say he probably jerked off to the teletubbies. What a fucking dick - I'm so sorry dude"

I let out another laugh at his cute response, folding my arms together. "Nah man. You'd be surprised how used to it I am."

"Sugar I promise you if I could, I would go to this dick's house and bash his head in with a metal bat - that pisses me off. What the fuck is wrong with him? Trevor headass" He glares at nothing and crosses his arms, leaning back.

"Uh...Yeah it...I -...You do know it wasn't always just one perv trying to make a move on me right?"

He clenches his fist and mumbles a threat.

"Woah woah dude. It's fine. Nothing actually happened. Just a and there but nothing that bad." I mutter quickly, waving my hands in front of my chest.

"What the fu- Okay so I really don't wanna say this in front of the guys because Frank would never let me hear the end of it because he's a dick, so can I tell you something outside?"

I pause for a bit, furrowing my brows then end up shrugging it off, looking back up to him. "Sure."

When we get outside, he immediately goes to light a cigarette "I just want you to know that nobody is going to mistreat you here - because at this school, everyone's scared of us. And if they know that you're with us, the only group, or single person to fuck with you is going to be skinned alive and burned"

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