four | staring contest

639 21 32

Ray's POV

We were just kicked out of the room so they can 'take a nap.' Sure, take a nap, my ass.

"Who wants to bet they're cuddling right fuckin' now?" Mikey says, raising his hand.

"Eh. There probably fucking to be honest." Frank laughs, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, sounds right." I tap my fingers on the table, creating a small beat "I still wanna know what they talked about outside, yknow - remember, the restaurant?"

"Yeah. I think Gee was probably just like 'you're so fucking hot holy shit lemme fuck.' That sounds like him." Frank mocks Gerard's voice, making us laugh in response.

"He also acts soft, remember that day he kicked the shit out of Kyle?"

"Yeah. It was..interesting. Why'd he do that again?" Frank looks to his left off to nowhere.

"Actually - I think it was just because he looked at him weird. I think he looked at him in, like, either a scared or angry look? Dunno."

"Weird. Well, that sounds like him." Frank laughs.

"How many kids do you wanna bet they're gonna have?" I ask them, a smile finding its way onto my face.

"Oh. 12 at least. They're gonna fuck so many times it's inevitable."

Mikey leans back into the couch, pressing his fingers against his temples "That's not enough. Definitely 322 or something."

We all let out a laugh at his response as I shift my gaze back down to the stairs leading to Gee's room.

"How long will they be asleeeep?" I whine, accidentally kicking the table. "Son of a bitch, that hurt."

"Did you kick the table?" Frank asks, whipping his hair back.

"Yes. Yes, I did. I wanna go homeee."

"Well then let's go why don't we?" Frank laughs, standing up from the chair.

"Actually, I wanna stay at your place if that's cool."

"Yeah man. I got some new games on my PS4 so we can stay up screaming all night." Frank laughs, waving a goodbye to Mikey.

I wave towards him and he flips me off, which is how the Way brothers say goodbye and I absolutely blame Gerard. "Cya"

—T I M E S K I P—

Your POV

I felt my eyes flutter open as I wake up in a room I didn't recognize, someone's hands wrapped around my waist as I'm pressed against them.

Gerard sits up and stretches "If we slept through the night I swear to fucking god."

I let out a small sigh of relief as the memories come flooding back into my dumbass brain, a small smile coming to my face as I sit up onto the bed frame.

Gerard checks his phone and sighs, irritated "It's only 4am. School starts in like -- two hours."

I widen my eyes as I let out a short groan, looking back up into his pretty hazel eyes while they trail along the dark room.

"How are we gonna pass two hours? Either another nap or a shit ton of coffee."

"Eh. Both sound pretty great right now." I mutter, placing my hands on the large bed below us.

He leans forward and stretches a bit, getting out of the bed "I reaally don't feel like taking a shower this morning."

"Okay, well why is that?" I laugh, sitting up as my legs dangle off the side of the bed.

Bad Boy Music (Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now