seven | studio

497 22 15

Your POV

"Welcome to the palace, boys!" I smile, opening the door and letting them step into the main living room, the walls black and red with leather chairs and a couch, a large TV placed on the wall in front of them.

"Holy shit, this is huge," Gerard says, admiring the room. "How the fuck did you do this?"

"Depends on what you mean by 'do', Gee." I smile, placing my bag onto the counter top as I peel off my hoodie along with it.

"Alright, get to work Miss Hacker." Gerard says, tying his leather jacket around his waist.

"Okay Sass Queen." I laugh lightly, walking over to the coffee table near the kitchen, my laptop placed on top of it.

"You really bought this with your own money?" Ray says, amazed.

"Hacking pays well." I giggle, picking my laptop and mouse as I carry myself over to the couch. "I mean, I get to do this kinda shit every day. I don't really get to play on my drums or play video games that much but at least I like doing what I do."

"Y'know," Gerard sits next to me "You and Mikey are the only ones with jobs out of us five."

"Is there something wrong with that? I mean - I don't really think you guys necessarily need a job, but who cares -  I don't know what I'm saying anymore." I laugh, popping my screen up.

"Nah, it's just kinda funny that you guys are actually doing shit with your life. You both have a stable job, too. So that's a plus."

"Eh, I wouldn't call my job 'stable' but sure." I laugh. "What does Mikey do?"

"Oh, he works at a Barnes & Noble." He says, leaning back and watching my screen.

"Nice dude." I smile, my hands going insane on my keyboard along with my daily routine.

"How long have you been doing this?" He gestures towards my screen, leaning forward a bit to try to understand the shit he sees.

"Oh, I mean it really depends on what you mean by that. I've been hacking shit ever since 7th grade cause I got fed up with my teachers giving me bad grades and all that shit, but I've been doing background checks and like info searches for people for only a year." I continue looking at my screen with a small smile as the 1&0's fill my screen.

"I could never - that shit is waay too much for my brain." He crosses his arms, standing up.

"Yeah - I was like that when I first learned how to code." I laugh, looking up at his face with a smile.

"Eh, I already know what I wanna do for a living."

"I do too. And for your info it's not this." I smile, "What do you want to do?"

"Me and the guys have talked and agreed, we wanna be in a band together. We've been trying to learn how to actually make songs, but we're still looking for something. I think there's a few people we can get to help, but I dunno if we'd actually make it."

"Wait - You're kidding right? Dude - I've always wanted to make a band." I smile, looking up to him.

"Maybe you're our gal. You've mentioned playing drums, right? Because I'd be on lead vocals, Ray and Frank on guitar, and Mikey on bass." He explains, trying to catch me up on what's happening.

"Yeah dude! I love playing drums. I mean, I like singing too but who the fuck cares you're probably better." I laugh.

"Oh, shut up. Show me how you play drums, though. I wanna hear." He winks and sits on the arm of the couch.

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