ten | our lady of sorrows

414 19 14

Your POV

"I mean, what is like, your favorite costume you've worn for Halloween?" I ask, picking up the slice of sushi with my chopsticks, shoving it into my mouth.

God I fucking missed this.

"I dunno. I mean - one time me and Frank dressed up as Mario and Luigi for Halloween. Except they were like, dead n shit. We had these white contacts and a bunch of fake blood, it was fun." He laughs, violently stabbing one of his chopsticks into the center of the slice of the roll, making another laugh come from me.

"Nice dude." I smile, shoving another in my mouth.

"What about you, sugar?" He says with a smile, tilting his head as he turns his attention on me.

"Me? Oh uh...this one year me and my friends dressed up as the seasons and all that. But scary. Like I was fall and I got to make this really cool costume, it was like black and orange with blood coming from the eyes and like, I had leaves impaled on the spikes of my jacket. It was really cool." I smile, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Woah, that's badass." His eyes widening a bit as he laughs, "We were like;; 12 when we did the dead Mario and Luigi soo... ha." He says, sticking his tongue out at me.

"Yeah. Even as 16 year olds we decided we needed to be edgy as shit." I laugh, whipping my hair back as I smile at his adorable face.

"That's how it goes. As a kid, you're all innocent, then your teen years come along and it's edgy time." He laughs a bit, gesturing with his hands.

"Yeah dude. But I kinda started my emo journey earlier than usual because apparently I liked Metallica as a ten-year-old." I grin, playing with the chain attached to my shorts.

"Oh, now you're just showing off." He rolls his eyes playfully and elbows me gently.

"Yeah. I am." I smile, looking back down into my lap as I shove another piece of sushi into my mouth, slowly turning into a hamster.

"At least I can flex on eating faster than you," He smiles, proud of himself while holding up his empty container.

"Yeah, okay there you got me. I don't eat very fast." I giggle, rolling my eyes with a smile. "That's probably just 'cause I really like savoring my food."

"Yeah, yeah." He laughs, stretching. "While I wait for you to finish, I should probably start the logo. Or I could time you and see how long you take."

"Eh, let's do the logo first." I laugh, shaking my head with a smile. "I feel good about this."

"Are you done eating for now?" He asks me, running a hand through his hair.

"It's just one more." I wave my hand towards him, my wrist limp. "You go and work on it. I have a pencil in my bag so you could trace it if you wanted."

"Yeah, that'd work." He smiles at me, kneeling back down.

"Here." I smile, shoving the last piece into my mouth before sliding my hand into my bag, pulling out the pencil and tossing it over to him.

"Thanks." He stands back up and grabs the mini-ladder, placing it in front of the wall and standing on it, trying to think of how to go about it.

"Ooo! Maybe it could be in like a typewriter font or something. Or like horror movie blood stains - Y'know?" I smile, looking up to him as I toss my empty container into the trash.

"Earlier I did sort of a mental sketch, and it's not the best but it could end up working out." He laughs nervously.

"Well I think you should try it out. I'd doubt it wouldn't look good." I step over to the end of the ladder near his feet, a small grin on my face.

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