eighteen | is it true?

346 16 2

Gerard's POV

We all went home after the whole incident at school. We're still pretty upset, but I guess we'll have another chance.

We're scattered around Y/N's living room and I have my face leaning on my hand and I sigh, looking at her. "It sucks. But I'm not gonna make it worse by, yknow, crying about it again."

"Yeah. That's good." She smiles softly, her voice still a little shaky. "'Cause apparently whenever you cry I start crying and that shit."

I laugh a little and look down at the carpet. "Yeah, I don't like seeing you cry."

"I don't like seeing you cry." She giggles, rubbing the side of her arm with a small sheepish smile.

"Sugar, we could go on about this for hours." I look at her with a grin. "And you know that you would lose."

"Oh, is this a game now?" She laughs, placing her hands in her lap. "I'm not losing another one of your games." The small smile on her face continues to grow as her eyes meet mine, small sparkles in them.

"If it were to become a game, it would last at least two days." I say, turning my whole body so that I'm facing her.

"Yeah. Yeah - You got me there." She laughs, looking back up at the bright screen in front of us.

We all sit there in silence as we stare at the TV, before I saw Y/N's hands become slightly shaky as she looks back over to me.

"What's wrong, sugar?" I ask, tilting my head with a concerned look on my face.

"...C-can I talk to you for a sec? In private?" She asks, rubbing the back of her arm with a light pink staining her cheeks, avoiding eye contact.

I nod and stand up. "Yeah, of course."

She follows after me, leading us into her room, shutting the door behind her.

God - She looks so nervous over something.

"Alright. What's wrong?" I sit down on her bed, looking up at her.

She does the same, sitting a fair distance away, placing both of her hands on her knees before looking back up to me.

"Is it true?"

"Is what true?" I furrow my brows, trying to think of what she could be asking me.

"What you say to the guys when I'm not around." She sighs, looking into my eyes. "They - I...I just..I need an answer."

"Depends on what they say I have said." I cross my arms and bite the inside of my mouth.

"You know what I'm talking about Gee. They...They just...Ugh - I feel like they were fucking with me and all that shit when they told me and..." She looks down at the carpet, her hands extremely shaky.

"I mean, if you're talking about how I say shit like.. You're amazing and shit like that. But I talk about you a lot so I don't really know what you're asking." I laugh lightly and lift my leg onto the mattress, the other dangling.

"....He said based on what you said you might like me...I...I don't have anything specific but...that's what he told me." She crosses her arms over her stomach, looking at the black and red bedsheets under us.

I laugh and look down at the floor before looking back up at her. "Listen," I look back up at her with a small smile. "I.. I do like you, sugar. I talk about you all the time. How you make me 10x happier and how you've even saved my life. So to answer your question.." I pause and bite my lip. "Yes, I do."

Bad Boy Music (Gerard Way x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon