fourteen | she's an angel

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Gerard's POV

It's been about a week since the whole.. Incident with Y/N, and we're doing fine now. It's sort of something that we wanna try and forget about, but anyways.

We're going to perform at school in a few days, and I am so fucking excited.

There's been so much practice recently, and I'd say we're doing really good. Now we're not as worn out as we were, and we have a hell of a lot more energy, too.

We just recorded 'Demolition Lovers' a couple hours ago, and now we're in the lounge just hanging out.

"Bitch - Why the hell are my legs so fucking cold?" Y/N laughs, brushing a strand of hair out of her face as she stares down at her thighs.

"Hold up bitch, I got you." I say as I hop over to where she is and plank myself over her legs like a fuckin' dog.

Woof woof bitch.

I look up at her and smile. "Better?"

She laughs lightly and nods, rolling her eyes playfully. "Yeah. Thanks."

I shake my head and laugh. I get up to grab a blanket and toss it at her. "There ya go."

"Thanks dude." She smiles, nodding, wrapping the blanket around her legs with a small laugh following.

"I swear - every time we're in this room you guys are fucking each other with words." Ray says, crossing his arms.

"Ehhh...I wouldn't call it that." She laughs. "I don't think verbally fucking each other would sound like me thanking him for giving me a blanket."

"I mean, the other times, too. You guys are aaaalways flirting. In this room, specifically."

She just rolls her eyes and laughs, whipping her hair back. "Hate to break it to you but I'm just the one blushing, thanking or complaining. The flirting is coming from right over there." She clicks her tongue, pointing to me with a wink.

"Uhhhh, oookay. So, do you remember when I told you Frank is way more sluttier than I am?" I say, pointing at Frank who's just smiling proudly.

"Yup. It made me laugh quite a lot." She smiles, placing both of her hands behind her head as she leans back.

"Well, blame him for teaching me this shit." I laugh, glaring at Frank who just shrugs.

"Ahahhh..." She laughs, glancing over to him with a small smile. "So Frank just made you constantly seem horny." She giggles, whipping her hair back.

"Pffft, no. I was already like that. He just taught me how to, like.. express it." I wave a hand at her with a limp wrist.

She lets out another  laugh, her hair falling into her eyes as she shakes her head lightly.

Mikey sighs. "I'm actually kinda nervous for our performance. What if nobody comes?"

"Eh. Who gives a shit? High schoolers are judgemental fuckers. We just need to find people who like the music we make instead of fucking Whitney." She laughs, rolling her eyes at the end with a smile.

"Speaking of which, we should probably start putting up fliers that Mikey spent all fucking night making. He wouldn't come out of his room until he had 50 designed and printed." I roll my eyes and smile at my little brother who just shrugs with a small smile.

"Damn. That's dedication right there." She laughs, sitting back up with a smile.

"I think we're all really excited." Mikey says. "I mean, we've spent so long and worked so hard on this shit. And we're gonna be so upset if nobody actually does come." He says, biting the inside of his mouth while looking at the floor.

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