six | get the hell away from her

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Your POV

I slowly step out of that hell hole I was told is a history class, immediately beginning the search for Gee and the guys.

God fucking dammit, why are these halls so crowded?

I let out a sigh as I stay next to the lockers, not daring to make eye contact with anyone besides the floor as I began playing with the strings on my hoodie.

I let out a small whimper of relief as I spotted the large sign above a large door reading 'Cafeteria', starting my journey into the chaos.

Right before I entered in my vision of the doors were quickly replaced by a large guy, one of the football jocks, pinning me to the wall.

"H-Hey! Let go dude!" I shout, attempting to wiggle my way out of his grasp.

"I'll let go when you tell me you're gonna go out on a date with me, okay?" He smirks, his grip on my wrists tightening.

"No dude! I'm not gonna go out with you if you're gonna pin me against the wall!" I practically scream, praying that at least one of the guys could see what happens to me.

"Okay, then I'm not letting go." The smirk on his face continues to grow as I throw myself around, trying to walk off.

I see a blur of black behind one of the guys holding me down, and he winces a bit, loosening his hold.

I quickly flick his hands off my wrist as I book it to the end of the hall, my heart pounding out of my chest while my anxiety flows over the roof.

I see the person finish their job and hurry over to me, sort of limping from an injury that guy gave him.

"G-Gerard? A-Are you alright dude? What the hell did he do?" I ask in a worried voice, looking up into his hazel eyes.

"Ah, so.. I heard you scream so I went over and stabbed him in the leg, then he grabbed my ankle and kinda tossed me at the wall. It's -- whatever."

I let out a short sigh, rubbing the back of my arm as guilt fills my gaze.

"I'm sorry Gee - I didn't want you to get hurt I.." I trail off, playing with the inside of my sleeve.

"Oh, sugar, don't worry about it. I just wanna make sure you're okay."

"I...Yeah I'm fine...Just...shocked." I mutter, looking over his shoulder at the bleeding body on the floor.

"Alright, let's go to lunch." He grabs my hand and leads me inside the cafeteria, trying to find the guys. When he does, we all sit at the table.

"Do you two know what all that yelling was about outside?" Frank asks, shoving the sandwich into his mouth.

Gerard looks at me for permission to tell them, prompting me to shrug and nod, blowing a strand of hair out of my face.

"Some dick was pinning her against the wall, don't know why, but I heard screaming and this bitch got into another fight." He does a small dance, shooting his arms into the air in triumph.

"Yeah, uh, all he did was pin me up against the wall and ask me on a date, worst thing to do by the way it - it doesn't make chicks like you, and then Gee came over and stabbed the bitch in the leg." I laugh lightly, looking over to him then back into my lap.

"What the fuck?" Ray looks at me "We would never even stoop that low - These bitches are aaallll about consent - seriously, what the fuck?" He says, getting angry.

"Oh I believe you." I laugh lightly. "And trust me, I know the type of people to stay away from. I got lessons from my old school to never ever talk to the jocks."

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