eight | home depot

451 20 24

Your POV

"Ugh..." I mumble, my alarm buzzing into my ear as I slam down on it, staring directly at the ceiling.

Okay, pick out a good emo outfit.

I whip my hair back as I slide off my bed, looking towards the hot topic I call a closet with a small smile.

I crack my knuckles as I step over to the wooden doors, opening them as I look into the shirt section.

Haven't worn that one in a while.

I smile, grabbing onto a black Misfits shirt, slipping it over my torso with the smile growing to my face, then looking over to my shorts drawer.

Oh c'mon. Jackpot.

The grin on my face widens as I grab onto a pair of black ripped jean shorts, high waisted thankfully and sliding them on, attaching a chain in the loops.

I give a smile to my outfit as I step into my bathroom and quickly and carefully do my makeup, putting some black lipstick on with my regular look.

I lean my arms back behind my head as I stretch my legs, yawning lightly before stepping back into my room.

Why the hell not? It's worth a try.

I smile and pick out my black leather jacket with roses embroidered onto the chest and back, wrapping it around my shoulders.

I straighten my shirt back out before sliding on a pair of thigh-high skeleton socks, placing black combat boots over them as I step back over to my snakes' little house.

"I'll be back soon bud." I smile, tapping on the glass as I watch him slither around the large tank.

I let out a short sigh before stepping back out of my room and to the main living room, turning on my phone as I wait for the door to knock.

After about 15 minutes, I hear someone knock on the door.

Another smile spreads across my face as I stand up, placing my phone into my pocket. "Coming!"

I practically sprint up to the door and open it, revealing Gerard in a similar outfit, except not the shorts.

God fucking damnit - He's so fucking gorgeous.

"Hey, sugar. Mikey's waiting in the car. Are you all ready?" He leans against the door frame with a smile.

"Y-yeah!" I smile, stepping out and closing the door behind me, my hands shaking lightly. "Let's go."

He nods and walks towards the car, opening the door for me. I step in and he goes over to the drivers' seat. "Which fucker should we pick up next?" He asks me.

"Uh...Ray. I feel like he needs to know how sad Ivan got when he left." I laugh lightly, whipping my hair back with a small smile.

"Who's Ivan?" Mikey asks "Is that your boyfriend?"

I almost practically choked on my own spit, patting my chest before shaking my head. "Nah man - nobody's ever date this train wreck. He's my snake." I mutter.

Mikey laughs a bit "Oh shit - gotcha." He pauses for a second before looking at me "Oh! Gerard got everyone coffee - yours is in the cupholder."

"Aw fuck yeah dude!" I smile, reaching over to it with a grin. "Thanks man."

"No problem" He winks at me and we pull into Ray's driveway. He soon steps out and pops his neck, getting in the back seat.

"What's up fuckers?" He says, leaning forward.

Bad Boy Music (Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now