30. Closing a Chapter

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The morning of the trial is hectic to say the least. To begin with, we woke up late which left us a whopping sixteen minutes to get dressed and out the door and then, the morning traffic was at a standstill and finally, parking was a bitch. An absolute nightmare. I swear I would like to have a strong talking to with whoever it is that came up with the signage for the structure; it was about as easy to follow as Ikea directions.

"I think this is it" Josh says, pointing to a court room to our right. I look at the summons in my hand and compare it against the numbered door sign. 117. We share a loaded stare, one that says everything that we need to say without using words at all.

We had waited months for this, and it was going to go exactly as we'd planned. It had to. The jury would see that without a doubt, the guys were guilty.

Josh holds the door open for me and I step into the court room. I don't know what I expected, maybe some sort of extravagance but it's nothing more than a simple box room with wooden fixtures and low ceilings.

Josh places his hand on the small of my back, guiding me to a row of seats. A few seconds later there are footsteps behind us, and I turn to find Noah walking in wearing a smart suit, dark blue in color, an easy smile on his lips as Ariana follows on his heels. She was dressed in a simple black dress that hugged her small figure perfectly, her hair falling in long waves. "Hey." I jump out of my seat and throw my arms around my friend. "Nervous?" I ask as we pull apart just slightly.

He shrugs. "I just have to tell the truth. Shouldn't be too hard." I smile. He was too good to be wrapped up in something like this.

I hoped that after all of this was over, he'd take Iris somewhere far away and never look back.

Noah and Ariana take their seats beside mine; she keeps to herself, kneading her hands in her lap and I honestly feel a little bit bad but not enough to break the ice between us. I was still working on how to forgive her.

Luckily, the court is called into session before I'm forced to say anything.

The lawyers give their opening statements, the defense already trying to spin some story about evidence being planted against her clients by Josh and myself, and coercion. I roll my eyes so hard that they nearly fall out of my head.

And when I get onto the stand, I make sure to let the defense know exactly how dense I think that they are. "Is it true that you agreed to go to the party that Friday night because you knew that you'd be able to lure out Colin, the man your agency was after?"

"At the party in which the two suspects were arrested, I had one goal. Saving my fiancé. Busting them was a plus but I could've cared less. In fact, I had thought that Colin wasn't coming as I was told by Josh who was told to lie by your clients."

The defense attorney looks taken aback. I chuckle to myself. This is why transparency was key in a client and lawyer relationship; surprises costed you your case. "Right" she replies, grabbing onto the lapels of her suit jacket. She clears her throat, trying to retain her cool professionalism. "No further questions" she says. A smug smile pulls at my lips as I'm helped off the stand and back to my seat.

Josh goes after me, detailing his account of what happened and then going through his own cross examination. It takes forever, the case not adjourning for lunch until almost two in the afternoon. I grab literally everything in sight when we get to the small buffet set up in the room next door. "Hungry?" Josh asks teasingly. I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs, leaning down to press his lips to mine before we go and find our seats.

We choose, of course, the table with Noah and his sister but my best friend is seemingly tied up in his phone. I decisively break the tension between myself and Ariana and ask her, "who is he texting?"

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