Archie's POV

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(Sorry Archie hasn't been introduced yet, I was hung up with the main peoples!!!)

I love Atlanta. We've been friends for  long time and each feeling was so...


But of course, she likes me as a friend. She liked this one guy, but I didn't want her to stay with him. I wanted her. I wanted to control her, because she makes me mad. I have a fear of the water, yet she wants to drown me in it. If she wants me, and I want her, how can we both stay away?

I want to get her a present, but I"m not sure what she wants. "Archie?" I heard Atlanta calling from outside my room. "Archie! Come on, you have to get over your fear of water!" I gulped and stepped out my room, Atlanta wearing a tight turquoise dress and five-inch heels. Theresa was wearing a gray sweatshirt and skinny jeans. "Wait, what's going on?" I said, grippng Atlanta's shoulders. "Ow! Calm down you bitch," Atlanta said, pulling away. "Why are you acting so protective?" She said after I stood, dumbfounded. I wanted to pull my hair out right now. There she was maing me crazy.

And I let her.

"Alright," I sighed, plastering a fake smile that made Theresa groan. "Don't do that or I"ll kick your face." She mumbled, stuffing her hands in her pocket. What? Whta is wrong with everyone? "Why?" "BECAUSE MOTHERFUCKA SWAKEE ASIAN HONG KONG IS FUCKING GETTING ON MY NERVES, THAT'S WHY!!!" Theresa screamed. "Swakee?" I asked. She groaned and pulled at her bangs, gripping Atlanta's hand and stomping off.

What happened?

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