Crystal's POV

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I'm used to lying. It's so natural to lie in my family. I'm not Korean, I'm American. I got my name off of Google Translate, and I wanted to be cute. I'm not new to Olympus High, I've bee here longer than all of them. Jay didn't know I existed, that's why I lied. I love Jay. Such a idiot! He should know me! But that STUPID Theresa keeps getting in the way! I love Jay.

Will I have the power to break the rules?

I wish Jay loved me...

He does.

He loves you.

He loved me.

I can't believe Theresa would think I'M trying to steal HER man!! I had him first, not her.

I lay down on my bed, tears falling down my eyes as water drips from the ceiling to my face. I close my eyes and whisper, "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring... He went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the mourning..." "Crystal..." My little sister said, opening my door and squeezing her pillow. "Yeah, Emma?" "Mommy and Daddy are fighting again..." I mean, it's no big deal that my parents are fighting, they do it everyday. But when it's raining and they're fighting, Mom usually puts Dad out the house and tells him to go sleep with one of his "sluts". I try not to cry, because I'm looking out for my 7-year-old sister.

I opened my arms and she ran into them, dropping her pillow and her worn-out teddy bear. "Sing me daze, sissy..." She whimpered. I nodded and said softly,

"KONKURIITO ga yuraida

kasumi kusumu, kimi no mite iru yume

TENPUREETO wo nazotta

shiranai mama no nichijou...."

"I want the chorus of "Ama no Jaku"..." She said softly. I looked up at the ceiling and the rain dripped on my cheeks. We did this for 7 years straight...

When my sister was born... "Here, want me to tell you the story of how you were born with head problems...?" I said, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "Yes, please..." Emi whispered.

"It was a pretty day outside when I was playing with my mom and dad. Mom had a bulge in her stomach and she would watch and make lemonade. One day, she decided to get some excercise and play catch with a tennis ball. Dad accidently hit her stomach and she fell down in pain. "I-it's coming!!!" She screamed, tears falling from her eyes. I was too petrified to move, so I just stood there, watching her hurt.

I hated every last second of it.

Dad told me to go inside and lock the door, and don't open the door for anyone. I nodded, being a good child. Then about an hour or so, Dad came back alone and I stood up, looking at his red eyes. "Daddy...?" I whispered softly, worried. "You're Mom's giving birth again." He sighed to me. I felt excited inside but when Dad sighed after telling good news, some bad news was coming up. "What?" I whispered. "Your sister has head trauma..." He said, raking his fingers through his hair.

I started to cry and I didn't stop until you and Mum came home. She was holding you and there was a red spot on your head and you had a glass eye. Thank gods it went away."

I sighed, tears streaming down my face. It was either that or the water. "But why'd they start fighting...?" She whispered. "Because when you came home, Mom said it was all Dad's fault that happened to you. Then he started getting angry and I took you to my room, and their fight begun. Later, Dad started to come home at 6 AM, on days he wasn't working. I don't know, Mom said that he went to the club and had sex with other women. He even hid his ring."

I heard Emma snoring and I whispered with my lips on her forehead, "The scary thing is....

This was all on the day you were born." She fell asleep and I set her in her bed, luckily she didn't wake up when he scowled, "WHERE ARE YOU TAKING THAT MONSTROSITY OF A CHILD AT THIS TIMW, CRYSTAL?! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!" I ignored him and when I set her down and closed her door, Dad started to beat me. He clawed my back and scratched my face up, punching and kicking and kneeing my stomach, fresh bruises on old ones. He elbowed my lip when I told him to stop and my glorious night ends with him swinging a bowling ball at my head, knocking me out. I've been fine and survived every beat-down, but tonight... Tonight, I felt weak. He must've heard me tell Em the story. Mom always wraps my head and wounds and tucks me in bed, saying, "It was your father's fault... He threw the ball at my stomach." But tonight, after she did that, she sat by my bed and choked out, "Your father had always cheated on me. Ever since 7th Grade. His other wife had told him to hurt Emma so that she could die, but she--" Me and Mom both jumped when we heard my Dad bust in. "Topica!!" He screamed, hurting my ear drums. "Richard." She said, calm.

I was surprised she wasn't cowering.. "TOPICA, I'M LEAVING YOU!! YOUR A MONSTER, YOUR DAUGHTERS ARE MONSTERS, AND THIS DOG IS A MONSTER!" My dog...? "TAPIOCA!!!" I squeaked when he grabbed my CAT, actually and shot it then stabbed it. "Tapioca..." I said, covering my mouth and sitting down on my bed. "RICHARD, YOU--" "No Mom..." I whispered, tears streaming down my face. "Let me. Time for a 7-year-payback fight, Dad. " I stood up and rammed him into the opposite wall with my shoulder, making him grunt. He coughed blood on me and I drop-kicked him when he fell down. His back rammed the wall and I dropped that bowling ball on his back, crushing his backbone badly. What happened to me...? "Crystalline Void..." My mother gasped. I started to cry and break down, whispering, "Daddy... Why... Why'd you kill Tapioca...?"

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