Niko's POV- KISS!

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I'm one to get the girls. I know, I know. Man-Slut. Man-Whore. Call me the Amazing Slut Man for all I care. My sole purpose is to protect Pyeong-On because I don't want Theresa getting hurt by her. In that dodgeball match, I dunno. I kinda lost myself in her. I don't know why, though. Pyeong-On told me-

Niko, you're acting like a fucking slave.

Snap yourself out of it.

Alright, alright, sorry. I'm sorry. I just REALLY care about them both.

Oh, Niko. Who'll EVER love you?

No one, I guess...

I look down and sigh, holding my baseball in my hand and forcing myself to stop acting like a fucking wimp. "Niko~!!!" My baby brother called. His hand was extended- the one with his catcher's mitt- and he whined. "Sorry, Lil Bro," I sighed, setting the ball down. "Just not feelin it." I walked in the house and I blocked out his crying. I passed by my psychotic mother and my "father", apparently he had a broken back. I wonder why... He always leaves in the morning after I wake up and comes back home at dinner time.

Maybe he hurt his back at work... No... He doesn't work on the weekends... Oh well!

I sit down in my bedroom and sighed, wishing Pyeong-On loved me.

So I have to kill Jay.

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