Atlanta's POV

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I only spent the night with Theresa at her dorm because I was tired.

Of Archie.

I wanted lots to do with him but...

"Hey, Lanta! Come on, we going to the party?" Theresa said, with a radiant red dress on without. Straps. I nodded and we walked out the door. The walk to the party didn't seem long, but I really think we should've drove. As we walked toward the party, music was blaring and the bass interfered with my heart pumping. Theresa's face lit up when she saw a atall guy. She ran to him and his arms went straight to her hips, twirling her around. I sighed at how happy they were and suddenly, a scarf of some sort wrapped around me and muscular voice whispered in my ear, "Hey sexy. Wanna book and sleep with me?" I turned around and the man's eyes widened. "Atlanta?! Oh, no, I am SO sorry I-I thought you were someone else!!!" The guy turned away and yelped, running into the house. I sighed again and rolled my eyes, waking inside.

A girl stared at me and her slutty face twisted in disgust. "Oh, Atlanta. Like my house party?" She smirked in her disgusting British accent. I smiled the smile that Theresa hated and I snerred, "Lovely. Except for your slutty rap music. Tell me this, where's your V-card?" She gasped and looked into my eyes, leaning in. "I can find your V-card. It's still with you. Archie hasn't fucked you, no? He hasn't got a taste of you?" My face twisted with anger and I yelled, "Archie has nothing to do with this! Archie needs a break from my mind! The guy can barely swim, much less tell me his feelings!" "He hasn't told you he wants your V-card? I bet he's got LOTS in his back pocket." The girl's eyes narrowed and I felt my eyes tearing up. "At least I don't have guys in my hands, much less in my back pocket! At least I don't find a guy to sleep with every day! At least I don't get random strangers at my house! AT LEAST I HAVE SOMEONE I LOVE AND I PLAN TO STICK WITH THEM TO THE VERY END!!!" I realized I was screaming and crying hard, the girl looking like she shrunk. "Atlanta, let's go." Theresa said. "No! I"m staying," I started, then she tugged on my arm and I looked at her, then looked around. "Well then, Atlanta. I wish the best of luck with you and Water Balls."

That did it.

I punched her in her nose and blood splattered all over me. She let out a shriek and covered her ugly nose. I kept punching and she feel back, busting her head on a sharp corner.

Why is it that I"m a psycho-maniac? Why did I have to do that?

Easy, Atlanta. She was talking about Archie. Think about what she said. She said that Archie took a lot of girls virginity. Do you really believe that?

Of course not. Archie loves me.

Tell him how you feel, Lanta. I know times like this you wish you can fight your pain away. Artemis taught us damn better than that.

Silence speaks a thousand words, and a thousand words are plenty. Takes thing one at a time with love, just like we were taught. Fight out your love, not pain.

You're a better goldeen girl than Neil, and you know it's true.

Ask that son of a bitch face-to-face and ask him, "Did you do this?" And tell him. If he says no, he's a keeper. If he says yes,

Break every bone in him and throw that motherfucker in the ocean. You love him, and you're not taking any shit from him. He's told you his feelings, and you need to tell him yours.

As me and Theresa got a ride home, from her boyfriend, I went to my room and slammed the door, getting my video recorder out and I look through it, finding a video of me and Archie and playing it.

Archie, come on! You can do it! Swim!

Atlanta, I can't. I'm still afraid.

Are you, really? Let me help you. First, you-

Don't throw me in the water!

Alright, alright, geez. I love you too much for that.


Archie..? Archie, stop! It tickles!

I was laughing.

Lanta, I won't deny my feelings anymore...

Huh? What is it?

Please say you love-

"Lanta? You there?" Archie was knocking on my door and tears were spilling from my eyes. I flung open my door and hugged Archie tightly, crying. "Woah, Lanta." I gripped a handful of his hurt and started to bawl, coughing hard. "Archie, did yoou take any girl's V-cards?' I felt stupid for asking. "Course not. Want me to?" "No!" I choked out.

It got silent. "Archie, do you love me?"

"Of course I do, Atlanta. Of course I do. I can't imagine how my world used to be before you appeared in my life... Atlanta, that's why I want you to be my girlfriend." "Oh, Archie!" I gasped, tears still falling. "Yes!" We both kissed and I wrapped my arms around his neck, entangling my fingers in his hair. He held me by my waist and twirled me around, lifting my so that my arms were on his shoulders and kissing him longingly, like I was a wolf.

I was captivated in his love.

And I couldn't let go.

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