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Soft clouds, just like pink cotton, embracing me warmly.

White dots of sun sparkling on my skin.

The wind whispering into my ear with her silky voice: "Y/N..."

I felt blissful and content, in a state of peace up here, in these cotton candy clouds.



A harsh kick against your  shin. 

You blinked up at Seokjin, who was currently frowning down at you, lips pressed in a tight line while some of the students around you sent you dirty looks.

Sleeping through lectures really was your specialty. And it wasn't even like you had a reason to be as tired as you were right now, the monotonous voice of your professor just being so... tiring.

"I swear, if you fall asleep next to me again I'll unfriend you." Jin ranted grumpily, "I don't want your drool all over my shoulder."

You didn't answer, blinking sleepily, yet having to arise from dreamland.

Luckily, the prof hadn't noticed one of his student almost sleeping in his class and you relaxed slowly again. You really couldn't afford missing out on important lectures like that. Even if you wanted to.

Yawning sleepily, you stretched your arms over your head when you left the room together with Seokjin a bit later.

"Why are you even majoring economy when you aren't interested in it?" The raven haired asked, genuinely puzzled while you made your way over to the small café on the other side of the campus.

"Dunno," You answered lazily, "My dad told me to study something that'll bring me in money later on."

Seokjin snorted, "That's bullshit. Your parents never taught you something along the lines of 'follow your dreams'?"

You shrugged, stuffing your hands in the pockets of your beloved, old denim jacket, "Nah, they're more on the practical side. Money equals happiness." You scoffed, "At least according to dad."

The older sighed heavily, "You know this isn't right, do you?"

You shrugged once more, "I guess so, yeah."

Acting as if you didn't care was easier than explaining the complicated story of how you felt like you owed your dad something after your mother died and thus always acted like the kind of daughter your very practical dad wanted and needed.

"Whatever, I trust you in making decisions that are good for you." Seokjin mumbled when you reached the coffee shop, "You're an adult after all."

You weren't all so sure about that.

"Alright, I'll just get you the usual?" The man asked, earning a nod from your side, before pushing the door to the shop open.

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